What is your favourite season?

7 Votes Spring
9 Votes Summer
18 Votes Fall
8 Votes Winter
8 Votes More than one
0 Votes Undecided

I was just randomly thinking about the whimsy and joys of nice weather and fun activities in the springtime and summertime… What are some of the things you guys enjoy the most about these seasons?

Personally, asides from having a break from college, I enjoy going on a few trips with my family each summer, they’re always very nice to see nature and do fun things :] I also like little things such as just sitting outside while doodling or reading, taking my cats out on leashes for fresh air in the backyard, the delights of cold treats on hot days…. Rainy days are nice too! Plenty of things for sure 👍🏻

[And as well in regards to my poll, I’m sort of undecided on my favourite season because there are things I like in all of them, certain dislikes in some of them haha]


My favorite seasons are autumn and winter, but I love the start of summer/end of spring, it's a very nostalgic time for me. I know it's summer when I can go 4-leaf clover picking and the hot air balloons finally start showing up. ^^)


summer for the reasons i get to relax a bit more and i get to go on vacation a bit more and i get to do more activities i like doing (like swimming)

and then winter for the reasons it’s “cold” (it will rarely ever get colder than like 40 degrees where i live) and i like colder weather like that


Tropical countries who only have summer and flooding rainy season here :) But I rather pick cold rainy season than blazing hot summer anytime.


For summer, it's going on trips (occasionally), ice cream (indulging in it guilt-free), having no school, the nice weather, thunderstorms (nope), free time, energy drinks and other fun stuff

However there's this specific time in the summer that I enjoy, ranging from mid-summer to early fall. I can't explain why but I just LOVE IT. Gives me so many positive and happy feelings with all that's going on in the world.


I love spring weather because it has the right amt of wind and it's not too sunny/hot and it feels so good ;v; and I love flowers so its has great scenery ^^ I like the end half of summer b/c it's cooling down LOL but it also makes me feel more nostalgic for some reason. I barely do activities aside from staying home when I was in school but now I have work so at least I'm being productive somewhat ;;;;;;; no more long summer breaks tho aha..


Here in Texas summer and winter (and sometimes even fall) can get pretty miserable, so spring is pretty much the one time a year we get super nice weather in my area. Fall is my favorite because it makes staying home super cozy, but for actually going out and doing stuff, I love spring! It gets especially windy on our property since our house is on a hill. I love getting to lay out in the grass and relax, which I could do it more often



In the country i currently live it's so hecking cold here, and bruh like 9-10 months is just winter for me. Like fr, I'm looking at the window rn and it's snowing

So summer is my fav cus I finally can have warm weather that I love so much


i love the smell of flowers in the air during spring (:


The bees

And other creatures


I LOVE SPRING BECAUSE OF THE BEES!! THEY'RE SO CUTE FLYING AROUND also fall because of the aesthetics 

Here's a bee I tried to take a photo but it flew away Noooo
