Cowboy rp server!! Farming rp 👀

Posted 19 days, 11 hours ago (Edited 18 days, 9 hours ago) by BehindY0u666

Hey! I’m starting up a cowboy type countryside rp world! Id love for people to join on in!

I’m 19 so id prefer if the server was 18+ but would be lenient on the server being 16+ 

There might be themes of gore but other than that I want it to be a mostly safe chill type of server! Almost like stardew valley vibes!!

All types of characters welcome but I do prefer them to be human or at least humanoids!

My writing style is on the shorter side but I don’t care what others are, I do work a lot but I still typically stay pretty active. Id prefer if you were as well but if not that’s totally understandable and I don’t mind, it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.

Id like if the group could be anywhere from 3+ people!

Rp would be over discord! (WARNING SERVER IN PROGRESS)

If you are interested in it plz dm me or comment here!! 




se1f-ish sounds great!! My discord user is just BehindY0u666 same as my toyhouse!! 


I would love to join!! My discord is Palamutes/Kip#7761 !! In terms of vibes would it he like Stardew Valley or Red Dead 2?


Guildmarm more like stardew vibes! But can have some allowed darker themes! I’ll add you!


Seteth OF COURSE! everyone is welcome! My discord is BehindY0u666


Guildmarm ur user didn’t come up! Try adding mine! I’ve posted it a few times in this chat!


oo I would love to join too!

sodadrinking_leftclaw_of_a_trex is my discord tag 


i would LOVE to join, since i have a western oc already!

"stafkigtn" ON DISCORD!!
my timezone is est, btw.


i would love to join! my username is __catinthehat__


StafkiGTN hi!! Sorry your user didn’t show up! Maybe try adding mine! It’s behindy0u666


Oh interesting ^^ I just got a new cowboy boy, and I would love to devolope him. I would like to join. But I hope someone will have plot ideas for rp xd cus I don't

Anyway my time zone is the Central European time


Shadowpaw_123_ sounds great!! We got some starter ideas now! My discord is behindy0u666


Sent a request! I'm the monster under your bed username.Â