User Experience Research on Toyhouse

Posted 1 month, 2 days ago (Edited 16 days, 11 hours ago) by LunAmbrosia

Would you like to participate in the research?

26 Votes Yes
23 Votes No

Hello everyone! I'm conducting a User Experience research about Toyhouse for a school project. 

Any information gained from this research project may be sent to the Admin to help improve the site!

I will be conducting a question-and-answer interview regarding your experiences using Toyhouse, both good and bad. 

I will need to do these interviews within the next couple of days, so I may only select a few people but depending on the volume of responses, I may continue this to gather more information.

Requirements to be interviewed:

  • Must be 18+ (I would need to get parental consent to interview minors and would like to avoid having to go through that)
  • Must have Discord
  • Must have a microphone to communicate
  • Be comfortable giving out your age (I'm trying to gauge a general user demographic)
Remember, you can withdraw your consent at any time during this process and I will delete your information. You will also be anonymous.

If you would like to participate, answer the poll and I will reach out to set up a time for us to meet on Discord.


Since I got a lot of responses, I'm now posting the interview questions right here! Please answer them to the best of your ability and remember, you can withdraw your consent at any time during this process and I will delete your information. You will also be anonymous in my school project. Also minors can now participate as I can just not include them in the results of my school project but they will be included in any information that may be sent to the Admin.

If you would like your answers to not be public, please send me a DM!


  1. What is your age?
  2. What initially attracted you to Toyhouse?
  3. How frequently do you use Toyhouse?
  4. What features of Toyhouse do you find the most useful?
  5. Are there any features you find difficult to use?
  6. How do you discover new content or creators on Toyhouse?
  7. How do you manage and organize your content or characters on Toyhouse?
  8. What improvements or changes would you like to see in Toyhouse?
  9. How would you describe Toyhouse to a friend or colleague who has never used it before?
  10. Do you use any alternative products or platforms similar to Toyhouse? If so, what do you like or dislike about them in comparison?
  11. How would you describe the community or user interaction aspect of Toyhouse?
  12. What motivates you to continue using Toyhouse over time?

If you have any further thoughts or insight about Toyhouse, please go ahead and list them now!

Please, let me know if I can ping you on bulletins for any updates regarding the research.


it was a yes until you mentioned specifically using microphone - best of luck, though! replying to bump


same here
is the microphone requirement a personal preference or something required for your school project?


^ same reason it’s a no 😭 i would if it wasn’t required 


Same here. Was totally okay helping...until I saw a  mic was required 🥲 if the mic rule is X'ed, I'm very willing to help


aww would love to but unfortunately have the same problem as the first couple posts hehe
hopefully you get all the interviewees you need! 

is.. is interviewees a word........


i feel like itd be hard to gauge a general user age demographic if minors cant/wont be interviewed-

also id help but same deal as those above, im a minor and dont use a mic ^^'


also since 18+ is a requirement, might be a good idea to make this thread mature to lock out minors


omg noooooooooooooon I would have loved to participate in the survey unfortunately I suck at speaking English TWT


I also misclicked. No mic, not helpful. X D Either way, I hope this goes well.


Sorry everyone! I had gotten caught up with some other projects and forgot to check in once I had my desired amount of users for the school project.

Since this has gotten attention, I'll be updating the post so that more people can participate and will be asking the interview questions within the post!


I hope you guys don't mind the pings! 

I updated the thread and got rid of the requirements as the initial round of Discord interviews is no longer needed. I appreciate you all for your interest.

@ghost_vignettes Vallien_Fulki Tsundokuxx Bellamy n64bug gutsfuck WiseKayeoss jamalid ITCHSCRATCHER bitbeest Achillobator Shineheart Willowpillow godsend entomologist LovelyTheLoser VenomHound Cottean RozeFallz FallenRoze SPLATTRPNK desideratum Paiisly Aquilacoatl KingSillySmilez klevar