Would you buy my art?

Posted 2 months, 29 days ago by PurpleDragon_LPS

I've been having trouble getting commissions and want to know if my style or something else is the reason, my art can be found in this thread. https://toyhou.se/~forums/71.art-marketplace/485668.purples-commission-shop I'll also take any tips and suggestions as well.


Your art style is not for me (nor do I have any characters you would draw, they're pretty much all in your don't draw list) but I think there's definitely a fanbase for the work you do! (I've seen some successful artists having a similar appeal) You got a clean, charming art style that can be appealing to a lot of people who have the characters for it. There's always room for improvement, especially with anatomy from glancing over it. But it's not bad at all. And your prices are perfectly fine for the quality you offer. Please don't go lower.

How often and were do you advertise? There's always oversaturation and standing out is difficult for most artists. And especially on TH the market sucks anyway. Don't be to hard on yourself, I wouldn't say your style is the issue.


Skykristal thank you for your thoughts! I use Instagram, discord channels, and TH. I don’t touch Twitter or other sites 


I don't buy commissions, but your art is really cute! I like your shading, your faces are very expressive, and your prices seem good, too. I agree that I don't think your style is the issue here.

Personally, I would just tone down the formatting. I would probably back out of the thread regardless of how much I like the art simply because of how hard it is for me to read. Some suggestions I have are: use sentence case instead of all caps, remove the icons from your form (or at least move all icons to the same line so the form isn't massive), and most importantly, add some spacing between the words so they don't all run together (especially in your rules, strengths, and won't draw sections).

I've added some screenshots in the spoiler below in case your thread looks different on your device than it does on mine due to differences in screen size, because it seems like it was designed to be viewed from a phone and not a laptop.

Good luck getting commissions!



oh yeah I feel like you messed something up. when I was checking out your thread last time it looked normal and perfectly viewable.

I remember having the same issue and this was caused by an open tag.  if any endings are missing or got deleted on accident. 


@quietkitty thank you for telling me the issue! I’ll fix that right away. Codes are a bit tricky 


No problem! I'm not very experienced with either advertising art or using codes, but hopefully I've helped at least a little bit. I hope you can find some buyers soon!


a bit offtopic but "strength: dragons / won't draw: reptiles" made me chuckle