Hi, i was looking through this site's display settings and don't think i saw an option for it, so i was wondering if it's at all possible to disable gif previews on characters while browsing. 

It's extremely frustrating when looking for adopts to get flashbanged by people's character listing previews having obnoxiously fast gifs as their preview images, and this feels like a genuine accessibility issue that this site has left out as a complete oversight. I just want to be able to browse through adopts without having to worry about seeing gifs that in some cases are just... i really question why people thought those previews were a good idea. For the time being i've gotten a browser extention to block gifs, but it would be nice if there was some hidden option on site i'm unaware of..? or if it could be added if it's not already a feature?


Unfortunately, there's no setting on TH to disable GIFs. You will have to rely either on extensions or changing your browser settings.

You can try filing a general ticket underneath the "Suggestion" label or in the Suggestions forum, though it has already been suggested before (here and here). Keep in mind that there is only one active admin on the site, so it might take them a while to implement the feature if they decide to do so.


Avistella thanks for a quick response. man, i should've figured. that sucks. at least i got an extension that works i guess :\


katrie wha extension are you using? Those gifs trigger my migraines sometimes and it would be great to be able to block stuff aaa

also would definitely be great in the suggestions forum! There should be a way to block stuff like that.


Manitka Firefox's "Toggle Animated GIF" extension. (you have to specifically toggle it off and give it perms, but once set up, it works)