Help w some small finicky css questions?

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by abakkus

So I'm trying to finish styling this profile and there's a few things I can't quite figure out.

So, first of all, I wanted to style the links in his profile, but in doing so I seem to have also styled the notification button? I can't seem to figure out what selector to use to narrow it down to just the profile content and exclude the header.

This is the code I'm using right now:
.character-profile a:link, a:visited {color: #ff0000;}

And this is the result. It seems weird that it only affects that one button, as far as I can tell? I don't have any other kinds of notifications to test it out on obviously but as you can see, it doesn't touch activity or bulletins. I also have a code for hovering in place using the same selector, but it doesn't affect this button at all. I thought it might have been the styling I used to modify the View More button at the bottom, but when I removed that code to check, it didn't change anything.

Second issue is filling in gaps. I want to fill these spaces with black, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do it:


Essentially, I'm trying to make the profile a column that stretches from top to bottom, like the sidebar. I've fiddled with things like .content-main & stuff, but those all end up being weirdly off-center. Is it possible? I don't know if it really bothers anyone else, but the little disconnects there are really messing with me. x__x I had figured it out with the previous version of toyhouse code, but now in the new beta, that doesn't seem to work anymore, at least not if I want to keep the recent images area intact.


Starlipop Ahhh, thank you so much! It's perfect ;u; ♥ ♥ You're an angel.