[STATUS] Regarding Site Outage!

Posted 8 years, 11 months ago (Edited 8 years, 11 months ago) by lulu

Hi all! I'm just popping in to keep everyone informed regarding yesterday's site outage - the site was offline for about 5 hours due to a power failure with our server hosts which was unfortunately outside of our control (you can read up about it here). Regarding rumours that the site will be shut down, that's definitely not going to happen in the foreseeable future - I'm more than happy to pay for hosting as long as even a single person's using and enjoying the site!

Due to the recent outage and also past concerns, we're considering moving hosts in the near future which may result in some down time, but we'll be releasing detailed information on this once plans have been finalised.

 I've unfortunately been too tied up with classes and work to dedicate myself to site updates (which is completely due to me over-loading my schedule and poor planning on my part), and I apologise for my extended absense. Toyhouse is very dear to my heart and I still have intentions of adding and polishing features in the future! 

As always, thank you so much for using the site, I really, truly appreciate all your constant patience and support.