lf oc hcs/ideas!!

Posted 1 month, 27 days ago (Edited 1 month, 7 days ago) by UndeadRabbit

looking for hcs or suggestions for my ocs; you can ask questions too!!!

i'm not very good at coming up with things that i like, so i need some help qwq

this is mainly for ocs in the Limbo, Saint Valleyand Urban Oddities folders, although you can ask questions about/make suggestions or hcs for any character :3 

(note that some ocs, namely those in the Starlight and Heartline folders, don't have all of their info typed out yet!!)

please don't be upset if i don't use your hc/suggestion!!!


i dont have time to look at your characters at this exact second so im just gonna put a suggestion rn. if you need help coming up with ideas for ocs what i usually do is listen to music and make stories for ocs based off of the song. it might not work for you but i just thought id at least shere really quickly what i do. i might come back when i have time to shre an idea for one of your charecters but i dont have time rn. hope this kinda helps!


Whiteouts_art i actually do this occasionally, but most of the time i just kind of wait for an idea to pop into my head; maybe i should try really focusing on the music and brainstorming

thank you!! :3


UndeadRabbit no problem!


Might fandom OCs help? ♥


GabrieleTheMan that's a good idea!! that way i have something to work from (besides, my fandom ocs need more attention); thank you!! :3


UndeadRabbit You are welcome! ^^ It's awesome to know!