Headcannons for Headcannons

Posted 16 days, 7 hours ago by Delusional

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Hello hello 👋 

I don't know very many people here, but as of today, I recently got a big dreamie of mine and also am in the process of submitting my art internationally for the first time! Accomplishments, yes. Finals are hitting hard💀

I've seen a few people do this, but I really wanted to do my own with a few goobers on the brain arrrre :

Phædra Cyhir                     PEROXIDE

Sinclair Calloway               Strayed 

Cyclone                               Candi 

JIG-SAW                             Catharsis

I'll respond to people with the exact amount of headcannons provided or more. I'll be sure to add to the character's profiles so there's baseline information ;) ! Thank you in advance!


I’ve never tried doin headcannons before so sorry if they aren’t very good

Uh I’m gonna choose Strayed

Strayed seems like he would collect animal bones ngl Possibly make some cool stuff out of them?

He likes to sit and listen rather than talk. Probably just sipping his tea

Probably likes to bring the hanging possibly of doom and death into conversations to freak people out

Sorry i couldn’t think of more 😔

I don’t have info on these guys on th so I’ll just link this site for Angel, Jorah and Wesley


G_ryphon The second link didn't load for me, but I figured I'd do you're rad little tv-head.


Wesley's television model looks like it could accept VHS tapes and such through a lower slot. I feel like he'd perhaps have a small collection of videos either taken by himself about planes/take offs or documentaries. Just sitting in his room, fully charged and slips in a VHS tape -- it gives me the same vibes as adhd daydreaming.

The antennae of the TV may adjust to his emotions. Like raising or lowering to aid in facial expressions, but the most iconic thing I think of is the antennae bending in a jagged heartbeat-like line whenever he accidentally overhears someone talking about planes. Rather than bursting into the conversation, he's sweating bullets trying to restraints himself from acting rude as he looks for a way to interject into the conversation. If he doesn't get the immediate chance, it'll literally be the next thing on conversation.

If it's possible for the character to have a headache/illness, I feel like he turns the dials and adjusts the antennae similarly to how a human rubs their temples and tries to soothe themselves. Wes probably is a little more static prone and he'll be fully honest when he is unwell because he seems like a quiet yet honest moper. 

-- Just a bonus one :>

when he gets up or is motivated to go somewhere specific, he'll straighten out the collar semi-dramatically and walk in a triumph. He may have problems remembering exactly what he was doing when ge gets to a new room though. 



O my god these are amazing thank you

reese abesque

i looove ur ocs designs im gonna have to go with candi tho cuz i love mew lol so cute

- candi goes to punk shows and by the end of the night has lost their car keys, id, all the cash they had on them, and his mind

- i think it’d be fun if their dynamic with cyclone was like opposite twins, bickering all the time usually candi doing the bickering by calling cyclone a robot or teasing for being more uptight than him  also possible niche reference but they’re giving “ girlfriend” by avril lavigne on just dance 😭

- has led lights in his room and they are always on. no lamp. no ceiling light. just leds 

- he’s able to levitate above the ground for brief moments or quick intervals 

- he does not know how to cook for shit and only eats out or whatever he finds lying around the house(or wherever he lives idk)

hope these suffice :p



I forgot to note that Candi creates Cyclone as a clone kind of like in an omori sweetheart situation where Candi only wanted to love himself because of an odd superiority complex. Cyclone turned out perfect in every way except personality, leaving him to be a spiteful hermit gamer.


I feel like Reese has done some more serious drugs in the past, but either had a bad reaction to them or just preferred nicotine/marijuana. With their father working at the school, I feel like they were extra careful to not get caught with the substances. She's definitely had a moment where she plays on her phone or 3Ds high as a kite in the janitor's closet whilst skipping her dad's class.

Frequently checks things like "special day for [date]" like Florida man crimes, odd crimes and quirky notations of the day. Like-- let's use Candi's birthday (11/16). The Florida man od the day was a crime revolving a person stealing a vending machine by pulling it out of the wall and hauling it off. I feel like she will playfully look something of the sort up only to relate it to the person on the mind like some odd horoscope. "Oh your date has a guy stealing a vending machine? Pshh yeah, you have bad credit and a caffeine addiction."

Definitely the kind of gal who cries uncontrollably for hours, is like WTF AM I DOING and then looks in the mirror at dazzled. The puffy red eyes and accented wrinkles that being some kind of life back under her notorious eyebags is actually really pretty. Definitely does a little hair flip and suddenly feels wayyyy better after getting all that angst out.

On days she disappears out of nowhere, I feel like she loves to take hikes and carves little animals out of sticks. The forests and stuff are always really serene and she loves the smell of fresh air despite contaminating her lungs on a consistent basis. Definitely has spraypainted some really powerful poetry for some cryptid hunters to find, but will never admit to doing so.

Probably owns a penny board and skates on the occasion. If teenage boys tried calling her a poser, she'd square up -- do a super cool trick before smacking them with her board. She's not necessarily one to say "respect your elders" because of her shaky relationship with her parents, but making immediate assumptions about someone and their live is a pet peeve of hers.

Bonus >:3

when sleeping with her girlfriend, there's no particular spot or role needed to be played. No one is always the little spoon and not one is only giving the comfort. I feel like they sleep like two little honeybees where it changes by the day, comfort is comfort nonetheless. One of the two probably still sleep with their childhood stuffie, and refer to them as the third wheel when sleeping/occasion naps. 


bro those are perfect u just gave me such good ideas!!! thank u sm + also i actually prefer the canon version of candi and cyclones relationship. i mean.. the person a narcissist loves most is themself after all :p + the bonus hc.. so cute. so so sweet i love that ty the bee comparison really locked it in for me


abesque ahaha thank you !! I think writing character perspectives and stuff is so fun. 

G_ryphon no problem ^^)! Lovely little guy. I think he enjoys hot cocoa


Hihi!! I only have like, 2 ocs posted, so honestly I don't even need anything back if you're not interested, but I wanted to say your ocs are SO cool!!! So here's my take on Strayed.

-Wears mostly purple because in the time he grew up in, purple was reserved for royalty/a very hard dye to acquire. Even if it isn't rare in the modern day, it probably still holds some kind of status in his mind. Yass king.

-Probably has retained some old-timey manners, so I like to imagine that even in dire situations, he's quite prim. The type to stick a pinky up while sipping a drink over a dead body, you know? I don't know if the rule that vampires can only enter a house if they're invited in rule applies in your lore, but even if it doesn't I do feel like he probably asks (even if he will enter regardless.)

-Once he learned Sawyer's habits as a detective, I like to imagine Sawyer toyed with him a lot as a way of showing like... superiority? But then slowly realized he kind of liked leading Sawyer on the chase.

-He gets hat hair BAD. I feel it in my bones.

-I think that he owns one or two pairs of joke sunglasses alongside his actually cool ones. Like the glasses that look like a raised eyebrow? Found them in the modern day and considers them a comedic addition to his wardrobe.



Definitely has REALLY bad hat hair. It becomes frizzy and along the lines of kind of flat in the sense it looks oily -- he hates it, but he also just loves the fully put together look yknow ? Homie definitely leaves the table to "freshen up" which is really just restyling his hair. The glasses trope is cute, especially if he's trying to be more subtle (snorts that never happens). 

The manners is right on point~! Strayed is not a fan of uncivilized people and makes it quite clear. Pinky, tiping his hat, kissing the hand with a kneel, you get the gist. Is very jealous of anyone who comes into contact with Sawyer but made Sawyer's life difficult before they were a thing.


>:3 I'm going to write some anyways NYAK NYAK NYAK 

Antonio feels a lot of pressure to get it together. Academics have always been a part of the other's life and identity, but there's a sliver of doubt that makes him feel inferior whenever something goes wrong. Like -- a failed test or his rival getting the best of him once or twice makes him worried that he's truly not good enough. It leads to issues like anxiety-fueled sickness (ie crippling stomach cramps, chills and headaches) and he absolutely does not want anyone's help with it.

Antonio gets mildly offended at the idea that people immediately assume he's female based on bodily structure and his long hair. HOMEBOY IS PRETTY AS FUCK but like -- he doesn't see it that way. He sees it more as elegance and a collateral of good genetics, embracing it without consciously contributing to the idea of 'oh yes queen I'm pretty' . People who flaunt beauty or trends in hopes of making it their personality actually makes his lips pull back in disgust.

Seasickness and food sensitivity plague him. He wants to read and pass the time, but rocking back and forth on a boat, yacht, ferry, etc leaves him laying on his back and huffing small damsel in distress groans. Food sensitivity lies more along spice or excessive dairy, but he's aware of it enough to avoid it. When others ask about allergies, he doesn't mention it and refers to it "being more of a preference in taste" kind of thing to spare his ego.

When on a particularly gruesome case, I can imagine he fiddles with his gloves. He wants to be respectful and ease into it, but a mixture of factors keep him on his toes. A bit of a germaphobe, but he is so heavily fixated on the details of the case that he gets in a little too close to evidence/crime scenes, is snippy when people interrupt him and has a passion unlike any other.

The love of sweets doesn't just stop of cheesecakes, but I feel like he also likes tarts and desserts that exploit the creamy, delicate flavors that need to be savored in order to be appreciated. On good paychecks, I feel like he will go outside of his usual area to purposefully try all that he can. A bit of gluttony never hurt anyone, albeit his belt may seem a bit too tight on his stomach. Desserts like moose and creme brule are kind of overrated to him, but he has still found enjoyment. 


Definitely applies chapstick/lip gloss like a girl. Probably the only thing that really sticks out as queen. Like: eyes half-lidded, his lips plump, slightly open and lightly being waxed over by the plunger as he strokes in the balm. When he closes his lips and someone is staring slightly flushed, he almost glares with an accusatory "what're you looking at? Get back to work, we have a case to solve.."


AHH, TYSM!! You got him down perfectly oh my goodness. 🥺

>Academic pressure is a big one for him. He worked hard for his opportunities, if he's doing badly, he's like, "What did I do all of this for?"

>I had a lot of issues with people calling him a girl when I first started posting him, so this one hit close to home. 100%, he likes looking nice, but it's not the kind of thing where he's obsessed with himself in the mirror. He has more important things to focus on!

>Lactose intolerance, the worst affliction for white people. 😔 He'd spare his ego by insisting he has preferences. The haters can't ever know that his tummy hurts!!

>I didn't even MENTION this on his profile, but yeah, he is kind of squeamish and a bit germaphobic around particular gruesome cases. At the end of the day, he's still pretty young.

>For the bonus one, I literally have a drawing of him doing EXACTLY this?? (It's really old so I didn't put it on here) but this is totally something he does, even sort of passively. 


halfmoonphase hehe glad to do your lovely man some justice 💪



- Idk if he has inspo from it but she 100% looks like he listens to Vocaloid. 

- collected rare cards and resold them for snack money as a kid. Girlboss from day 1

- Despite being the creator of everything, he lacks common sense. Knows everything about the world, but struggles to exist day by day in it. (Cyclone strikes me as the opposite. Sharp reflexes and good spacial awareness bit awful social skills.) 


- super silly but teeth are multicoloured

Would love HCs for any of these guys :)



Magicalartprince those are definitely accurate. Loving all the candi headcannons 💪

Homie definitely listens to vocaloid, but like the songs that have really good rhythm but concerning lyrics. Selling cards for goodies is such a mood, tbh. 


Dee has many live and die, reaping souls without much though aside from reflecting on a mixture of accomplishments, what-ifs and lost opportunities of the dying/dead. I feel like he sometimes watches being from afar, being lured in by a need to reap or just abiding by a metaphorical check-list of things to do. But he has learned a lot just by watching, minor entertainment in the eons of life. I feel like he gets invested in certain mortals, oftentimes letting a chance at death slide to see just how far it goes. No one will live past the expected time, he still has quota to make -- but I feel like he mutters to himself or to other companions like a person watching a movie.

I feel like Dee plays an alternative flute, like one with two chambers and harmonizes with ease. It gives off kind of a druid feel, a native touch to life despite the fact his magic has nothing to due to life cultivation. I feel like he plays how he feels, but such songs lack words. Just chords and outlet of complex inner turmoil.


Cassius doesn't rely on sight in the slightest, leaving him a little extra sensitive in his ears and when there's the faintest atmospheric change. Someone walks into the room, he knows of it but not necessarily who unless he has their footsteps memorized. He's always paid extra to details like a faint perfume or scent on someone's clothes, the feeling of someone's particular dressing style and just the way a hug/touch can be reciprocated. I feel like he subconsciously likes to trail his hand over details of another, whether it be calloused palms, jewelry over fingers, the faint distinction of fabric layers -- it speaks to him a lot like a good book. 

Cassius almost seems quietly expressive of his body -- especially when frustrated. Sure, you'll see a little pout or snarl-like expression but there's more signs to look for way before that point. Harsher steps, heavier grip on his staff, clenched jaw or just slight emphasis on particular words -- and that's just with frustration. He is easy to read by those who really give him the time of say.


Mudpie probably leaves a mixture of crumbly sourly-sweet sugar and actual glitter wherever they walk/sit for a while? Like.. a detective or something would be perplexed to all hell at the sight of it.

Bonus :: Mudpie sometimes sucks on their gummy paw pads when bored. Not necessarily along the lines of an oral fixation but just as a stim.


lupinthethird so sorry for getting back so late. I mistook a bar of soap for a snack and flipped out because of it 💀

4am peabrain hours 

THE BUBBLES SOUND SO COOL? I never thought of that, but perhaps sitting on bubbles or trapping himself in one is just usual for him. 

The details about loving star trinkets made me kick my feet like a gossiping 13 y/o


I had to do some reading to try and get s fee for your cute lil' guy ; he was a bit difficult to write for

Being now somewhat immortal because of the possession and ingrained abilities, the mortician seems to think all possessions are much easier to handle because of a mixture of ego and just sheer power he has. It's not hard to exorcise weaker demons or to manipulate them just as he does mortals, but being so powerful is amusing and ramps up the demon. I feel like being complimented or people being astounded by his "accomplishments" makes him a tad manic. Arched posture, wicked smile, a change of aura in the room -- it comes in like a seething black smoke and is hard to get rid of. He can stay relishing in his own ways for days, oftentimes only being broken out of such a cycle by failure or the unexpected occurring.

With one eye always being in the shadows of the mask, his eyesight has actually deteriorates without him noticing. I could imagine him squinting or looking like an eloquently twinkish-grandpa at small text or calligraphy with reading glasses.

Typically has chronic pain when Hyde really surfaces. Like, you can tell when the alter comes in because there's a slight grimace or he starts to rub his leg subconsciously like the other's power over him is about to surge. He never brings it up, but will also never turn down a good painkiller. If he had a hypothetical partner, physical touch would be really 50/50 until they worked out the kinks in the sense of "this is really hurting me, please don't touch unless it's a massage" which would be like their wind-down quality time. I know he doesn't quite have an official spouse?? The character links in the code weren't loading for me but Galorant seems VERY patient with working hands.

Let's say his spouse was coming home. He could probably immediately tell how their day was if he wasn't focused in something-- footsteps, talkativeness, breathing patterns, the works. But I feel like there's always a chance he's busy and doesn't realize someone is home. His spouse had a long day, stomping in and kind of hugging him from behind by sliding their hands around his hips and holding him by the stomach-- their head resting against his upper back/shoulder blades. That is one of the only immediate touches that makes him swoon and forget work. Nothing else matters more than a little indulgence and perhaps a conversation over a nice cup of tea.

Bonus : if someone tries lecturing him on something he absolutely knows by heart, it irritates the hell out of him. The other person may get a little in his face, and he's had enough. He'll extend his pointer finger like "mnn up-up-up!" pressing it to their lips before scolding them in decent levels of annoyance why he shouldn't listen to them. Ie : experience in his field and Hyde's residual knowledge.