Would she eat your OC??

Posted 15 days, 2 hours ago by Lycorice DndManatee

Wanted to try one of these interaction threads, and my new-ish character Lycorice seemed like a good fit! 

For those who don't know, her species (Majins from Dragon Ball) has the ability to turn people into candy and eat them. Lycorice here also has the ability to sense people's morality, and only likes to eat those who give off a lot of dark/evil energy.

Sooo would she be interested in your character? Drop 'em below and find out (and I'll maybe include some extra details like what candy they'd get turned into too)!

Cachan NinjaNightCrawler

go ahead

Abyss AvaTheAxolotl

Oh no 

Lycorice DndManatee


Hmm... his angst/antisocial-ness makes me think twice, but I think he's safe. Not quite "evil" enough for her.


Aww she's too innocent and cute. She's safe <3

Dr. Theodore Toussaint Oregon_or_the_Grave


N33k0 Bakugo_mha

* throws him here *



Would totally eat if she encountered him in his corrupt form! Maybe some popping candy, cuz that's the "glitchiest" kind of candy I can think of.


Hmm I think he's safe. Maybe has a bad attitude, but he seems to have selfless intentions.

Bluu Eysouel

.... her name is

Lunar StArLighT_GuTz


Day JayBird375

He would be eaten, not without a fight though.  I honestly wonder who would eat who first

Clytie Estridsen Cutegirl920fire

Is Clytie brooding enough to be eaten?

Omen TheRealMothman

He isn’t necessarily evil, but he has done some not very good things (including eating people)

[1.] Anti OctoTape


Cody Lyman Captain_Fartbeard

He's already had people try to eat him (he's a zombie) so this wouldn't be anything new