Rules & Guidelines

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago by Vera

The Langurhali are a SEMI-open species. They are by approval ONLY. You must email me (vera_of_the_willow at yahoo) or message me on FA with an image(preferred) or description of your Langurhali before sharing it and using the name Langurhali anywhere. You should also include that you have read and agree to the following rules and state that you've read all the info I've shared here about them.

- Make a Langurhali character as eye candy or porn fodder. I'd rather they not be known for that, and they don't have anything between their legs, anyway.
- Draw them in porn situations with non-Langurhali characters as a way to get around the no porn rule. Even if it doesn't involve altering the Langurhali's anatomy, it's still porn.
- Make any kind of profit off my species without my explicit approval.
- Make a Langurhali without bothering to learn about them first.
- Feel obligated to change every little aspect of an existing Langurhali based on new updates (other than the no crotch organs one, which is a pretty big deal). If you want to keep your Langurhali as accurate as possible, though, changes are preferred. I don't think they'll change too drastically from here on, thankfully, but you never know.
- Role play as any of my OWN Langurhali characters, such as Vera or Solene.
- Trace/copy any of my own Langurhali art/characters, especially without crediting me. Use your own imagination, you can do practically anything with this species!
- Please don't just copy my own personal Langurhali character(s), at least not so blatantly. 
- Make a "new species" with traits obviously taken from my Langurhali, especially just as a way to make porn of them. I see you. Everyone knows what you're doing. It's obvious. I'm just tired of getting linked to it.
- Make a Langurhali or draw anything of the Langurhali if you and I do not have good social standing. I think most sane people can comprehend why this is upsetting and wouldn't dare, but there are some crazy people out there, so who knows. Figured I should cover all my bases. I may eventually be publishing books and making Willora/the Langurhali an actual copyrighted thing one day, but for now, they are still very personal to me and I only hesitantly allow some people to make them. I love others enjoying my creations, but only if they respect me as the owner and creator enough to follow these rules/guidelines.

Please avoid:
- Too much art of them in human environments. I imagine most people take interest in the Langurhali because they appreciate how they are oriented around nature and living in the wild, or at least I hope so because that's what they're all about! :)
- Sexual posing/heavy fetish/overly suggestive stuff. There are plenty other species out there meant to be sexual, including some of my own other species/hybrids! I don't think of sex as a bad thing, but it's very OOC for Langurhali to be acting all randy when they... aren't like that? I like to draw pin-ups of them, but tastefully and/or only moderately suggestive.
- Giving/trading Langurhali designs unless the new owner has read and agreed to my rules and guidelines. They must message me saying this. Just please don't make them just to pass around, as it makes it difficult to keep track of who owns what Langurhali (I keep an updated personal and public listing!).
- Sharing art, writings etc. of Langurhali without adding a Langurhali tag. I like to be able to find the things people are making of my species! Make sure to spell it right ;)

- Note/email me with your Langurhali design before posting anywhere. Again, they are pretty much an open species as long as it's accurate and not misused.
- Ask questions if you're unsure of whether or not I'll be comfortable with something.
- Link me to any Langurhali or Langurhali-related things I may not have found/been linked to.
- Role play all you want with your OWN Langurhali character(s)!
- Draw your Langurhali however you want in private, but if you post it, and there's anything about it that doesn't coincide with the rules, at least mention in the description that it is outside the rules, so that others don't think this is okay to do frequently or get confused. For instance: "I drew my Langurhali in a NOFX shirt! Normally in Willora this wouldn't exist and they wouldn't know about current music, but this was just made for fun". Just as an example!
- Join the dA club if you have a deviantart account! 
- Follow the FA group if you have an FA!
- Submit any art you draw of them to the club by noting me the link, even if you're not on dA/FA!
- Critique me kindly on my writing/back story, I know it is complicated, a bit corny, has inconsistencies and needs a lot of work, and I appreciate your helpful thoughts and opinions! I'll listen!. :)