Why was the above OC banned from McDonald’s?

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago (Edited 2 years, 4 months ago) by Ximena Essex CometTheMountainLion

The character above you was at McDonald’s, and did something so reprehensible they were banned. What did they do to be removed from McDonald’s?

The rules are:

  • It actually doesn’t have to be McDonalds specifically. It can be any fast food place (just indicate so).
  • Wait until 3 people have posted before posting again, unless 48 hours have passed.
  • Be sure to read the above character’s bio!
  • When posting again, alternate through your characters. Don’t spam the same character.
  • Due to the IC glitch, you don’t have to actually start with my oc.
Inspired by similar threads about OCs being kicked out of somewhere, in the hospital, in jail, ect.
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Mand’alor the Vengeful Oregon_or_the_Grave

Hanging out in one of those McDonalds Playplace playgrounds while wearing concerningly revealing clothing- apparently she was practicing for a bit, and wanted some peace and quiet?

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