Guess what fandom the above FC is from!

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Tiana unused-account

This is probably gonna be a difficult game rip

So yeah. The title says it all. You can do obscure fandoms of course!~

Claim a post beforehand, but don't leave it that way for more than a few hours.

also don't look at the profiles obviously;; and if you already know then don't post on that character, that's cheating.

Let's start with an easy one!~

edit: haha, yep!

 Takuya Ishikawa AtomicStarCat

Not sure, i don't know too many video games but like-- elder scrolls or like skyrim or something? or a game like one of those set in a more fantasy like realm.


^(also Digimon Survive would like to have a word lmfao)

profile not safe!

v for the person directly below me (the answer is here so don't look lmao)


Momo ZaraTM

⬆️ :crying in tears: Never thought anyone else is in this godforsaken fandom :'D

Is that a Powerpuff Girls Z fan character? Because if yes, I absolutely love that! :O

NP: Profile is not safe! Hint: A manga series that doesn't have an anime adaptation (yet).