A single honest random thought about the user abov

Posted 8 months, 18 days ago (Edited 1 month, 10 days ago) by CometTheMountainLion

Hopping onto the random thoughts trend. This is a lower effort version of this thread. This time, you only need to post one random thought about the person above you.

The first post may be a free claim, or you can claim me!

UPDATE (11-7-23): Please wait 4 posts before posting again, unless 24 hours have passed since the last post.


I gotta say, you have the best threads in Forum Games ever!

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Not sure whether it was intentional but I love how your characters each have their own separate folder lol

v Safe to say I had a Warriors phase lol (I actually don't like having so many of them but here we are)


so.. many.. cats...

v It does!!


Does your username come from postal 2’s apocalypse weekend expansion… i’ve always looked at your username and wondered that; never thought i’d see someone else on TH who has heard of postal 2 sobs

v Dawg I needed to hear that so badly 😭 I honestly overexplain a lot and I was afraid of exactly this happening because it looked too long; to me it was as concise as I could put it, but I’ll try to condense it more…


^ aaa if it helps, try to be brief and to the point, basically make 1-2 sentences the main idea of your warning/what you’re trying to say and be blunt if you need to

your profile warning has a lot of paragraphs- they’re a lil too long for me to concisely read in one sitting and a lil overwhelming ^^”” /lh

v I wouldn’t say best or celebrity, but I do make my cameos here and there, I’d be a frog celebrity there at best


Best last post thread celebrity ever

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Haven't seen you before but I really dig your user!

^^oops, sorry! I have terrible memory.

Vv lol, get sniped. Also, eyy


another kitty lover ! :) 



Ngl, your robots look pretty dope and cool


Gosh I wish I could make music. And at 16?? That's so sick! (I also love your name lol, it's very silly)


i really really really like your art style and you have a cool pfp

v i forgot you drew kale until now; it’s okay i don’t feel a major need to edit it

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