What to do with this species?

Posted 10 days, 23 hours ago by Manitka

Thinking about actually selling designs of some of my closed species, main issue currently is about what to do with one of the species.

I bought the rights to the species from a user years ago and then later after I spent money To commission a good base for them found out the species was ripped off/ heavily inspired from a species in DND.

this is what they look like:


Base by oreloki 


guessing by the tendrils and catlike ears, they’re inspired by displacer beasts?

honestly, id say i wouldnt see it if not for your mentioning the reference. between the bright colors, 4 legs (as opposed to 6), dinosaur tail, and other variations, its got potential as a cs regardless. plus, a vast majority of species have their inspiration, look-alike, or what have you. i wouldnt think its problematic to sell or use as you please. best of luck regardless what you decide!


Lyssanah you think so? I definitely would like to be able to still use the base I have without having to pay for a new one. 

I originally got a bit of flak about the species on the site I was selling them on until people realized I bought the species from the other person, whose name I don’t recall currently,


I personally think it’s fine if you look at it without the context! and with how many people enjoy dnd, i’m sure there’s an audience for something adjacent! 

and really, cs are supposed to be fun. nobody owns tendrils on a feral creature, nor any traits associated with them. at the end of the day, any flak are people who care too much about other peoples fun of you ask me.