


6 years, 11 months ago


✦ Basics

Full nameNukeleer 
NicknamesNuke(y), TV (or TB) mustard bottle, twink
GenderMost Likely Male
Eye colorBlack
OccupationRoom/dorm cleaner, housemaid, busboy, adoptive father

✦ About

Nuke is a slimey guy just trying to live his life as enjoyable as he can. He's good-natured and gregarious, willing to help out and comfort others whenever possible, can be a bit awkward but still enjoys hanging out with those he meets. Having high patient levels, he does not hate anyone nor can he hold a grudge against for long... very forgiving, but not forgetful!

However he is kinda dumb and naïve, oblivious to a lot of things as well. This TV can be a bit of a klutz and is messy, ironically he has cleaning related jobs. Nuke can also be mischievous at times, but he has no true intentions to harm anyone, he loves to play fight and tease especially those he finds a strong interest in.

Nuke's main line of work is being a room/dorm cleaner within the complex he lives in. He made a deal with the landlord, so instead of getting paid money for cleaning the area, Nuke gets to have his own room to live in rent free. Since he doesn't get paid, he'll gladly clean houses outside the property for money, sometimes even runs a second job as a busboy at various places. 

✦ Appearance/Physical

The TV head does NOT have a screen, it's just a shell of a TV full of slime that makes up the rest of his body. He has no wires or circuit boards, nothing about him is electronic or robotic, he's organic. Despite having a nuclear symbol as his left eye, he's not radioactive (so don't worry he's safe to be around and eat). It can blink just like his other eye!

His slime molds a basic humanoid figure, though he can't grow extra limbs or anything. If any of his body parts were to be torn off, he could regenerate. However, it takes a long time so he'd rather just retrieve the separated piece if possible.

Nuke has no bones or true organs, but he is capable of all 5 senses, and eating, even though it's not always necessary, he just enjoys the luxury of being able to taste and stuff food in his mouth. The food he eats is "digested" by dissolving within him over time, becoming just like the rest of him. His favorite foods are soft; applesauce, yogurt, pudding, milkshakes, smoothies, soup/stews, sushi, baked salmon, mashed potatoes, eggs, ice cream, etc.

For the most part his goo is like a firm, but soft solid. Nuke's face can melt out of the TV intentionally, but mostly under certain circumstances such as being under extreme heat, strong running water for too long, or whenever feeling intense or unstable emotions. The viscosity of his goo can range from being thicc like honey to runny like paint.

✦ Likes
birds, bugs, plants
demons, monsters, etc
psychedelic rock
rainy weather
✦ Dislikes
hot weather
cats, children (except for his son, Worm)
tea, alcohol, 
 people who try to watch tv on him
✦ Details












✦ Background

Nuke has no idea where he came from nor does he have any memories before the day he just woke up in an alleyway. He was never physically a child, but can sure act like one sometimes. Hates confrontation and conflicts, usually avoids or runs away from problems. Will cower from a serious fight, unless there's someone or something to defend.

Nuke has no biological parents, siblings, or any other family members relating to him. However, he does have a small gummy monster child that he basically adopted; Worm, and a strange TV-like headed creature, Ynez, that he considers as a pet.
It is often thought that him and Haz are related somehow because of their similarities such as their appearance and body structure... probably coming from the same origins. Spoilers: I'm not gonna list it here.

Makes plenty of friends, but only considers a very few close. He tends to have multiple love interests or flings with others when he's available. He'll become committed when the crush is more intense or when the feeling is mutual. Unfortunately, that can quickly change if he feels like he's not getting enough attention or if the other side loses interest in him/appears to have more of a love interest in someone else... which ends up in him seeking other people again (usually for comfort this time), thus ending the relationship (if there was one to even begin with). He may become aloof and distant after this, but is always open to keep a friendship going even if there's some lingering awkwardness.

He has a strong interest in men, generally monsters, demon, demigods, otherwise nonhuman/furry people... 

Nuke's cooking skills are actually pretty good, unfortunately he's mostly too lazy to make anything for himself, but would happily serve someone else. He's basically the definition of a boywife.

✦ Relationships
"Pet", close friend
Adopted son
Close friend, ex-boyfriend
✦ Trivia
● Nuke can vomit at will.
● His head is detachable and his body is able to move without it; this is how he can easily put on and take off shirts. Without his head in the vicinity for guidance, his body is a mindless dumbass.  
● When cleaning other peoples' houses, he'll occasionally put on the maid dress when no one's around. It makes him feel pretty.

profile html by Hukiolukio