


1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Original owner note

--Original Design not by me! Was given to me in a mystery trade by Tr3v02.--


Note for the user that has to draw her: Feel free to go ham with her outfits!! It mostly has to be chic and can be kinda based around the 20s--30s style but honetsly aside from start I'd let you full artistic liberty kn what she wears lol


Uses Grapefruit as her idol pseudonym

Late 20s 

Girl ( she/her )

A fashion model. She is easily recognizable in the industry as the quiet, almost mute lanky beauty that she is, wearing almost exclusively green and purple chic outfit.

- also a singer ( which is more of a side job compared to her fashion model one ), which is pretty much your the usual opera singer kind. Not that she's bad by any means, she just doesn't stand out among so many others... and she doesn't really care. After all, her main job is her physic, not her voice.

- often keep her eyes closed, which is somewhat associated with modesty. It probably adds to her charisma. 

-smokes a questionable amount of times. And probably started at a questionable age, too.

- she usually puts multiple collars on her quite long neck; the more there is, the better it is.