


10 months, 18 days ago


Name: L'Ombre Indépendante ( The Independent Shadow ), Ombre for short 

Age: ageless ( has the mental age of a 14 y.o. child ) 

Gender: presumably female - she/her 

Orientation: aroace ( like lmaoo she doesn't even have a body to feel anything )

Alr fuck, I'm sure I've missed something(s) in this bio but at this point I just want Ombre to have smt interesting for her

Shadows are things that is so easily forgotten by the humans. They're discret, colorless, unalive and so deeply into our daily life that there's no real reason to give them much attention. Though, there will be one shadow that will stuck in your memories, one shadow that is fundamentally different from the others: l'Ombre Indépendante, Ombre for short.

Ombre is a shadow that broke free from her "dependance" and since then roams around the school she lives in; as she can go technically everywhere she wants ( due to her nature as a shadow ), she likes to mess and cause chaos among the students - and sometime the teachers.

This freedom is also very apparent in her personality: as she knows nothing could happens to her anymore, Ombre is quite known for being feral and brutally honest per time, as she doesn't hold back the thoughts she has. Though, she also doesn't understand privacy and can be seen as evasive and clumsy in this field - on either her words or her actions. But aside from that, she's generally just very social and chatty, never too afraid to talk to someone she doesn't know.

Even though she has fun with the school's student, Ombre is also unique for a whole other reason: her ambition. She, uh, "wants to take over the world with her fellow shadows". You see, Ombre has a quite special... power: as a shadow, she can - from what she say - "understand the other [ inactive ] shadow", or most likely perceive them. And so, Ombre believes that if she convinces enough shadows to join her "cause", she'll have enough shadows overlapping her that she'll be able to take human form. In this way, "every shadows will listen to me as the Great Leader Of Shadows, and we'll be able to take over the worlds!!"... of course, she isn't really serious about this. But, you know, never underestimate your enemy as they say. 

( That, or taking possession of someone's body. But that's another story... )

Technical note ( which was already written in french on the artwork, so I'm just translating ):

-she's literally a shadow; she lives on walls.

- Ombre can overlap other shadows. When it comes to humanoid shadows, she will "adapt" herself onto the silhouette and makes herself look like the shadow ( no matter the height of the person ). Ombre will naturally also adapt her color to match the shadow she's overlapping, making her literally invisible if she closes her eyes.

↪️ Ombre is naturally 165 cm ( which can change if she's taking the form of someone's shadow ).

- if the persons is in contact with a wall Ombre is currently on, Ombre can "climb" on the person's body, like the top right image with the "Y/N"character. The contact will be interrupted if the person moves away from the wall.

- while she isn't sensitive to natural or soft light, strong light ( ie flashlight ) pointed at any limbs of her body will paralyzes it ( so for example, if you point her arm with a flaslight, she won't be able to move her arm at all ). If a strong light is pointed on her head, it'll make her equivalent of a knockout.

- she can obviously blink, but the closed eye(s) will be not visible. Like, at all. ( she doesn't need to naturally blink )

- she has no visible facial features aside of her eyes; though, her mouth can be seen when she's profile-sided.