


10 months, 12 days ago


Note: her design ( her colors in particular ) might change from the first sketch I've done. I'm still fleshing it out!


Girl ( she/her )

in early 20s 

A girl whose face have been corrupted. She sometime say questionable stuff, but she is overall quite nice.

Voice: unnatural yet recognizable enough to be considered human ( think vocaloid, but less electronic ) 

- very nice, but has not much character and rarely try to stand-out ( especially since what happened to her )

- her corruption pains her mentally and physically; not to the point of driving her insane or gravely wounded, but still noticeable.

- sometime acts impulsively due to being under the pain of the corruption, but can be quickly putted back to reasonableness 

- the corruption thing sometime do weird things ( popping a random pair of eyes, sudden "tension", etc. ), but there's not much explanation to thoses - and it's better left unanswered, anyway.

- corruption is a very uneasy matter to touch

- Magalie's senses ( vision, smell, taste, eating capacity ) are still as good as before the corruption ( foods will just enter into the corr. and be eaten normally )

- come from a quite wealthy family

- her face have been corrupted by her sister in betrayal ( the story is more complicated than that, but this is basically it )

- Magalie knows how to use magic, but she cannot uses it anymore as the corruption thing kinda "blocks" all the attempts she mades so far

-due to her corruption, she is now seen by the large public like a child, harmless but unable to do anything good. Yet, while she may not be the finest of her kind, Magalie is still more than a child.

- likes a lot jewelleries and pretty accessories. She is also very proud of her hairstyle.