


9 months, 27 days ago


My brain is too dead for paragraphs writing so let's go for bullet points uh

Named Nivale, but usually called Blanchette due to her white outfits/power 

"Guardian/Hunter of the White Tears" ( first word will depends on who you are asking )


Cisgirl - she/her

26 y.o. 

Not rlly questioning her sexuality so uh

theme(s): Kikuo - Dust Dust Curse ( HEAVY FLASH/BRIGHT COLOR WARNING! i'll try to find a non-visual video of the music. ) / Pokémon Legend Arceus - Lake Guardian Music

-is the actual heir of a magical power transmitted person to person since generations. Quite politically powerful for this single reason, but does not care that much - she just participates in ceremonial events involving either herself with her power or just her power.

-the outfits she constantly wears is actually the "official" outfits of the power's receptacle, but it is normally just necessary for official event; she isn't obligated to wears it daily. The reasons Blanchette uses it is because she likes the aesthetic!

- for that same matter, she doesn't wears the bandage on her eyes because she is blind or injured, but simply because it is another piece of the official outfits ( and is particularly symbolic historically wise ). She can sees through the tissue actually! ( even though her eyesight ain't the best oof )

-has the power to see the soul of people through their body, like little tear-shaped lights on their chests. By her sayings, people' souls are grayer the more guilt weight on them.

-she can withdraw the souls out of people's body, which then get "stored" on her arms as little twisted tear-shaped tattoos. Which, yes, will lead to the person's death. She call the souls "white tears" at this point.

-if you ask: yes, she's mindful of the extent of her power's impact on people and try her best to minimize the issues. But, you know...

-Blanchette can "call" the white tears on her arms ( the one she took from people if u didnt get it yet ) and thoses will raise from their "tatoos" form and materialize on the air. she can do cool magic things by drawing funni circle with her white tears hehe

-generally has a polite-warm demeanor for pretty much anyone - from strangers to close one. Blanchette never changes the polite-warm smile on her face, to the point that people would be very surprised if she doesn't appear to smile like that.

- calm and dislike taking dreadful actions or sudden change. Usually is the last to move. 

-empathic and is more inclined to help people - which doesn't means she will help them, but that's already something.

-kinda introverted and not very expressive, though some emotions ( i.e. nervosity ) can break through her body language.

-has low self-esteem due to her constantly questionning the morality of her power. But she won't stop using it anyway, because she just.... has it, you know?

- might be related to Avril power-wise ( due to their power's similarities such as white marks, eyes also turning white when activating the power, etc. ). ooc reason is really just because one inspired the other, but let's blurr that with lore lmao