


5 years, 1 month ago


Female (she/her/they)
Calico cat


Blunt • Sarcastic • Smart • Jealous

Two-face is nicknamed "Facey" due to the appearance of her half white and half dark gray face. She ia also moody by nature and has depressive episodes that are short but sometimes frequent. She is really awkward but seems intimidating. If you know her really well and she doesn't call you a loser every second, it means she trusts you and are really close.

Upon first impression, she can come off like a total asshole. She makes decisions with her head and controls her emotions. Facey has high standards and gets exhausted with people who do not meet her efficiency. She does not want to bend her morals and beliefs and will argue about her convictions; she rejects others' perspectives and is not impressed by criticism outwardly. In her mind though, she is effected by judgment and very hard on herself.


  • The color pink
  • Knives
  • Gothic fashion; Platform boots
  • Dark subcultures
  • Holographic materials
  • Ice cream
  • Close friends
  • Online shopping
  • Multiplayer online battle arenas & action RPGs
  • Listening to music
  • Streaming services
  • Fluffy pillows
  • Oversized hoodies


  • Large crowds
  • Country music
  • Depressing people (she tells them to "lighten up!")
  • Guys
  • Fortnite
  • Stress
  • Crushes
  • Feelings in general
  • Watermelons
  • Pickles (she's never tried one, but she says "I hate the smell!")
"Don't confuse my attitude with my personality. My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are."


"Two-Face" and "Facey" are not her original name or nickname. These were actually given to her by bullies at a young age. Facey used to be a sweet, young girl who tried her best to fit in. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, she was misjudged by her peers because she didn't know how to express her emotions in a typical way. She was always just "too much." Eventually, some kids who were struggling themselves decided to try and "feel better" by mocking her. It doesn't help that the adults in her life were unhelpful, like her teachers and unavailable, single mother. These names became so popular that she felt powerless to stop them, and it severely traumatized her for life. She was and is haunted and scared by what happened. Since she felt like she was not meant to be anything more than the persona others thought of her as, she became the persona. She has never allowed anyone close enough to her since to even consider talking about her past identity. Now, she chooses when to show her "crazy" behavior to make others as afraid as her. Basically, Facey says and does the most absurd things she possibly can.

Facey has a strong sense of right versus wrong, is very responsible and stubborn. She bases her self-esteem on the success of her work and is always pushing to be the best. She has intense initiative and a competitive spirit. She wants to be recognized for her achievements so mistakes, and failure are her next biggest fears.

Two-face can also be very cold and distant as she often feels threatened. With this, she becomes willing to leave anyone and their family in a heartbeat. Facey will call others idiots when they start to see through her, despite how she dislikes being called one herself. As a result, she has trouble establishing intimacy and close relationships, especially romantic ones. However, if she were to let someone in and they take the time, she can become trusting and warm. Facey is just deeply in need of compassion and understanding.


• Her design is symmetrical

• Her accessories are optional but preferred

• The left side of her face is dark gray, and the right is white

• She has orange splotches underneath her right eye and on the tips of her eyes

• Her left foreleg is orange with white toes, and her right forepaw (not just toes) is dark gray

• Everything else is not usually missed or confused, so self-explanatory


• Her birthday is 6/6 and she's a Gemini

• Her enneagram and wing is 3w4

• Her favorite Sanrio character is Kuromi

• Her birthday is 6/6 and she's a Gemini

• She is a modern Satanist

• She has a pink gaming setup, with Razor cat headphones

• Aggressive, loud, rude, and reactive gamer

• She bullies kids on Roblox

• She has claustrophobia and trypophobia

• When she was younger, if she could've, she would've changed her face to make it one solid color

• She wants to be a fashion maximalist

• She loves accessories and piercings

• She likes the brand Demonia Cult

• Her favorite online stores are Dolls Kill and Hot Topic

• She wants tattoos in the future

• She loves having the base of her tail touched




Luckily, Facey eventually connects with Leo and he becomes her first close friend in a long time. Leo appears to have similar traits to her, but he really does what she does in a more playful and friendly way. He also has a much more light-hearted view of himself which he shares with her; Facey wishes she could be that way. It really makes him a delight to be around - he's alike, passionate, and inspiring.

Leo teases someone's behavior; Facey follows it up. They even tease each other by seeing terrible or painfully honest things and saying it's them. Leo and Facey share preferences for logic and effectiveness, and meet each other's standards for proficiency. Also, they both have phases of being repulsed by romance that the vast majority of others don't understand. Together, they frequently make fun of couples that they observe. Leo is one of few guys that Facey can stand, and they both view each other like brother and sister. Despite Leo being just over a year younger, (and Facey definitely pokes fun at it), it's unspoken but mutual that he is the older sibling.



Spoiler alert: Two-Face hates Twilight. Twilight is similar to Facey, but not in a way Facey likes. Twilight is shy, extremely nice, tries to fit in and succeeds in it. She is even in a loving relationship - another thing Facey can't seem to have. Twilight reminds her of what she might've been if not for her trauma and she can't take it. The two girls have a "rivalry" that really only exists to Facey. Since Twi is liked and Facey isn't, if people catch wind of Two-face's feelings, they'll probably just hate her some more.

In contrast, Twilight has no negative feelings or malice towards Facey. She's not naive or oblivious, but she just lets Facey think what she wants if it makes her feel better. She doesn't mind letting Facey win in the competitions she proposes. Twi can definitely read her but she's good about not showing it and doesn't try to embarass Facey. She isn't a pushover and won't be bullied though - if Two-Face goes to far, Twilight will have a witty comeback.



Two-Face hates this guy, too. Does that even come as a surprise?

Unlike Twilight though, the feeling is mutual! (Hooray! Second person Facey shares mutual feelings with). Pop is Twilight's boyfriend. He is more emotional than her and feels like Facey is not the crowd Twi should be around. He can't help but think of the worse case scenarios where she gets manipulated or hurt. Pop is a pretty relaxed partner but to him, this is just different. He doesn't do anything too drastic with Twilight herself, but he just advises her to keep her distance. He's also introverted and would rather not have confrontation, but he will protect his girlfriend at any cost. To make matters worse, he just doesn't understand Facey, so he's judging as fast as most others. If Facey can ever change, Pop will regret how he thinks of her.

On the other hand, Twilight considers his advice but kind of bruhses it off at the same time; while Facey says, "why won't you let us have some fun?" in a cunning way. Of course on the inside, Two-Face is jealous that Pop has someone to love and of how well he cares for her.



The kid she harasses on Roblox. But it doesn't end there - it carries over to Minecraft, Animal Crossing, etc. Nova and Facey don't know each other's names or faces, instead they are only acquaintances by usernames. Facey manipulates and harms Nova's mental health because she thinks it's "funny" - it's similar to what she went through. Nova is extremely forgiving each time so that's why this is able to go on. She has a better support system though, so she'll recover.

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