


4 years, 10 months ago



Name Leo
Species Cheetah
Age 17
Pronouns He/Him
Birthday July 27
Orientation Aromantic
Voice claim I Get Around


  • Frozen treats
  • Boba tea
  • Any skating activity (skateboarding, roller skating/blading)
  • Surfing
  • Snorkeling
  • Bowling
  • Hip-hop, pop, surf and indie music
  • Philosophy
  • Computer science
  • Robotics
  • Sun bathing
  • Warm sand underneath his feet
  • Art


  • Getting wet (to avoid 'ruining' his hair)
  • Being teased (he acts tougher than he is, doesn't like to break character)
  • Following plans
  • Capitalism
  • Talking about his feelings. It's difficult for him to communicate
  • Being serious in general


Leo is a 17 year-old male cheetah. He is on the aromantic spectrum. He can be drawn feral or anthro. He is 5'3" and of average build. Leo can wear anything and all his clothing is optional. I prefer for him to have plugs in his ears and he commonly wears beanies, hoodies and collars. His swimwear is usually some trunks and no top. He has short hair and its natural color is dark brown, but he reguarly bleaches it. Likewise, Leo may dye the tips of his hair with light teal highlights. Also, he has the enneagram 8w7.

Leo is very particular about his appearance. He spends a significant amount of time preserving his hair. He often comes off as full of himself as he acts very confident and egotistic, but internally he is a bit insecure. He is playful with others because thinks seeing them squirm or other reactions is entertaining. He also instigates or watches arguments, and will chime in to make it more interesting. The margin between Leo's introversion and extroversion is slim but he prefers calm and quiet environments. He is drawn to meaningful social interaction and has little patience for inefficiency. Leo is curious, open-minded and imaginitive, but sometimes has problematic ideas. He doesn't speak out of line, but his mind is an interesting place and he has far-fetched perspectives when compared to most.

In general, Leo is good at adapting to opportunity and improvising. He isn't the easiest to get along with but he has good friends and keeps a small circle. He does not make plans for his personal or social life but will tag along with most anything. He is close with Two-face as they both favor effectiveness and are equally competent. Two-face usually shares his repulsion for romance; they make fun of many couples but on few occassions long for partnership. Leo goes through phases where he wants to be in a relationship, then revolts the feelings for months at a time. He overall dismisses most of his emotions in preference of objectivity, so this influences his perspective about romance even further. Ultimately, Leo is cunning and a methodical liar but he simply does it to get what he wants and not for harm. In the future, he wants to pursue robotic engineering.

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