Sally Davis



3 years, 2 months ago


Sally is a level 5 artificer in a D&D campaign. She is was a hoarder and has had a bag of holding full of junk. She has a buttons collection and compulsively grabs shiny/sparkly thingsĀ 

Family notes!

  • From Fabrem dominated Malchester. Her parents are both military officials working for their duke
  • Her parents are both snipes but they purposefully have went out of their way to first teach their kids to be more like uso and more familiar and in line with Fabrem culture so that "they can succeed in life" etc. They still preserve some aspects of snipe/native Malchester culture in their home, but being in line with Fabrem social customs etc. is priority. That and the military like discipline structure they generally use. It's a very structured home.
  • As a little kid Sally rebelled against this hard discipline and was purposefully more chaotic and would pretend to be a prophet of Eskil. "Sally! What are you doing??" *paints the wall with jam* "I am fulfilling my role as Eskil's prophet of course!"
  • Sally has two older siblings. Wallace (who is 17 years older than her) and Mary (who is 7 years older than her). Mary is much more severe on Sally. Wallace is soft big brother.
  • Mary is a lot more hot headed than both Wallace and Sally. Tends to pick on Sally, but she means well. Well, less pick on her and more "push her limits" with the intention to try and make her stronger. But it's not really done much to make Sally like her. She does care about her, but she goes about showing it in the wrong way. She's around more than Wallace but she's still off doing her own thing a lot of the time.

--POST D&D--

Before and after Rictos fell into anarchy Sally put her sneaky habits to good use by smuggling refugees out of the oppressive country. There she rescued her adoptive child, Cam. She's also married to Sygil, a political biographer and journalist.