Jayson's Comments

are you interested in an art trade :)

I leave you my instagram to get an idea and my Furaffinity :)

my networks:



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This design is so cool! :D How much are you looking for in USD? 

tbh not totally sure :'D smthn around $20 prolly??? 

Oh I’d be happy to buy for $20 if that price is okay with you! I don’t mind anything around that, also do you use PayPal or another method of payment? 

I think Ima leave this dude open for a couple days just to see what ppl offer but Ill most likely accept this ngl! 

Sounds good to me! Thank you for considering! 

Just letting u know that this guy was cross posted on insta (Local.lemon) and someone has offered $22!!

i could do anyone here: 


alternatively, if you didnt like anyone there i could offer 15$, 2 fullbodies and a headshot? (*^ω^*)