Death & Corvis



3 years, 7 months ago



Grimm "Death" Sparrow, and Corvis
Male, and any pronouns 
Half demon(?) and shadow demon
6'4 and 14'0, can change.
Guardians, demon hunters, and student.
Centrol, South Eitor
Guardians of Eitor, barely.


Purend demons, the pure manifestations of the most dreaded emotions that are part of the wicked human nature, and feast off of these emotions for survival. Some get around by possessing others overwhelmed by emotions. Years back, the demon Envy took over a vessel who was in a relationship with a woman. Taking it as a chance to fuel up on more emotions such as lust, he spended some time with her for a bit and she was confirmed to have a child, but Envy disappeared before the baby was born. Eventually, when that baby was born, he was given the name Grimm. He hardly had a heart beat...

Grimm grew up in the outskirts of Centrol town in a small household with only his sensitive and paranoid mother, living a simple life. She was intimidated by the outside world, and for good reason, but did her best to evade rubbing it off of him. Meanwhile, he was a solitary kid, tending to just sit in his room all day feeling crummy and only occasionally going outside to get fresh air. His fathers nature and his exposure to his mother weren't too helpful. Even around 5 years old, he was unusually mature for his age, enough to be left on his own. In fact, he was possibly more mature than anyone in the area. He knew how to use the internet to self-educate himself, being mostly interested in paranormal phenomena.

One night, while Grimm was trying to sleep, he was visited by a tiny, strange, shadowy figure in the shape of a bird. It tried speaking to him, but he blew it off as a figment of his imagination from all of his "research." In the morning, it was still there observing him and had proven itself to very much be real, saying it was "a part of him." Grimm didn't care enough to question it and nicknamed the creature Corvis. Corvis, being basically the dark side of Grimms mind, understood him well, so it became his closest and only friend. It could hide itself to avoid being detected. As Grimm gained experience, this bird would grow on size. Ever since that day he began having a lot of strange happenings related to shadow magic.

At his age of about 6, his inherited abilities began strengthening and he became able to feel, and sense the emotions of others around him. He could feel their fears, know what they hate... Similar to a Purend demon. He well understood the true nature of people. The main, prominent fear around many he's encountered was the fear of death. Let it be their number one fear, or an unconscious fear, it was always there. When outside, he'd usually just give people these odd, tired gazes, trying to make out and understand what he was feeling. Having no control over reading the emotions of others was detrimental to his youthful health. He gained a reputation for his unusual behavior.

Around 8, he wanted to become more responsible and began searching for a job to get. The only job he could find himself to apply for was lawn work by an irresponsible former-westerner with only an old scythe to work with. He thought a scythe would be pretty cool, so he took the job anyways and began cleaning up lawns all around the area for money, growing in tune with this tool. During these times, his magic had begun acting up more. His shadow magic flaring up, he'd frequently find the plant life around him dying before he even swang his scythe. Growing more annoyed by his powers, Corvis started trying to walk Grimm through on how to use it. He slowly found himself learning how to channel his abilities and even utilize them by conducting his magic through his scythe. He had developed a unique strain of shadow magic to himself after so much exposure to others, which he simply dubbed as "death magic"

Once he was 10, during an unfortunate night when he returned from his tasks, he saw that the house had been ravaged. It seemed darker than usual, claw marks were everywhere, and he felt as if he sensed something lurking in his home, which Corvis confirmed. Keeping his cool and scythe in hand, he carefully began to approach his mothers room to see if she was fine. Calling her name and stepping into her room, he was met with a grim sight. He saw his mother, lifeless on the floor, with Ansse the shadow demon, and an (unnamed) object-bound demon looming over her, fixing their gazes on Grimm and ready to take him next. However, he wasn't showing any signs of fear, he was just preparing an attack on them... Ansse, on the other hand, sensed something horrible within Grimm, so he quickly fled and left the other demon alone. Grimm, being walked through by Corvis, engaged in combat with the demon. He learned a lot more about his abilities in the process, being able to create projectiles, levitate, and when the battle was just about wrapped up, he discovered his signature ability: When his scythe impales or slices an entity or object-bound demon, he can rip out their souls or said demon, and destroy them. He came out victorious in the end, destroyer the demon.... However, his parent was dead. Being stoic as ever, he merely sighed as Corvis went out to get attention from the local police. When they came in, he was first held in for questioning of what went down here, he was a suspect for obvious reasons... But he was held innocent in the end, as the damage seemed to be impossible to cause with just a scythe, along with the growing demon problems around Eitor.

Grimm was taken into the main town of Centrol to stay in "Beatties Home," essentially a foster care ran by a few caring dragons. He was generally avoided by everyone, due to the vibes he gave off, wearing hoods and dark clothes, but he didn't really care. He still kept to himself and would usually be on his phone doing research or just texting. The police were never able to get that scythe off of him, either. He wasn't too big of a fan of the dragons or kids either. He especially had tensions with Beattie herself, who could detect heart beats and noticed him lacking one. She was in fact the only one who'd speak with him. He appreciated it, but felt a little uncomfortable.

At night time, he was able to sneak himself out of the home and into the town, wanting to do some lurking and exploring away from the home. He had been able to feel the emotions of everyone he passed by, much more clearer than before, even getting hints of their memories. As he was passing by a store, Corvis alerted him that a demon was near by. Deciding to take action, he put his hood up and stepped in to engage in yet another battle with a demon, successfully destroying it faster than the last and departing before getting caught. Continuing his roaming during the night, he was interested in learning more about how to use his magic, practicing in alleyways. Due to his inherited powers, he was a quick learner and accomplished a lot in one night. He discovered how to summon/unsummon his scythe, create illusions around himself, and he even bought himself a black cloak for his little get up. Ever since that night, he actually became a bit of a demon hunter. Sneaking out at night, going out to go fight off whatever demons or crimes went on, returning in morning. He started to gain a reputation across the news as a mysterious entity that only appeared before demons to slay them, and gained the nicknames "Death" and "Grimm Reaper" for his abilities. He just kept on fighting demons, him and Corvis steadily growing stronger.

By the time he was 15, during one of his attempts to sneak out at night, he found himself blocked off by Beattie, who knew what he's been doing the entire time. She was in fact, interested in giving him aid, being able to sense heartbeats for miles so she'd be able to detect anyone possessed, though making Corvis slightly jealous at the same time, which he eventually grew out of. He was living what was basically a "superhero" life at this point.

When he was about to go out on a nightly run, Beattie said that she felt a suspicious gathering of low heartbeats near by, which he went to investigate. He found a suspicious gathering of 5 robed people with a peculiar eyelash symbol on their hoods, writing a strange symbol on the ground that summoned a demon. He was swift to defeat the demon, but those robed people put up a fight before getting away. They were the Reito cult, and later became his enemies. They kept making occasional appearances throughout the nights, but he was able to successfully stop them throughout many struggles and failed first attempts.

Around 16, during the day Corvis detected a demonic entity named outside the foster care, prompting Grimm to rush out in a hurry and investigate, poofing on his disguise. He found a slippery object-bound demon that immediately began fleeing, in which he had to chase across the town.. And, out into the middle of the outskirts, being lead into an empty and desolate town. Successfully killing the demon afterwards, nothing was around the area, except for one thing... A huge, 16 foot cultist with a skunk tail staring him down. One of the leaders, Dezmeph, who wasn't a fan of his meddling. He had lured Grimm out here to make an example out of him, in which he did...  Grimm, putting up a little bit of a fight, found himself overwhelmed by Dezmephs underhand tactics and powerful magics. In fact, he took such brutal blows, that before defeat, all he could remember were the words "stay down," then forgetting about who had even attacked him. Grimm later woke up in the foster home, appearing to be injury free, likely thanks to Beattie who was by his side... He couldn't recall a thing besides those last words. After that, he couldn't just stop his job, but Beattie urged him to try and be more careful when he goes out. He now knew this enemy was much stronger than he was.

Once he was finally an adult at age 18, he finally left the foster care to go out into the world on his own, leaving behind a teary-eyed Beattie, although he'd be sure to frequently visit. He proved himself smart enough to get into Centrol College, where he now remains in a room. His roommate is the one and only Nathan the Ant, who's yet to discover his identity.

Recently, Grimm found himself randomly summoned to The Highlands in the middle of the night, appearing in a small corridor with only Zale and Brilliance.


Being part demon, Grimm is a generally neutral, moody person. He can come off as stoic, uncaring and tends to evade others, as he doesn't like to play around too much, sometimes going as far as to make threats. But in the end, he's a good person who cares about the safety as others. Although he can easily become annoyed by the actions of others around him, he won't interrupt them as long as he's not dragged into it. However, he's the type of guy to publicly make an example out of anyone disturbing the peace. He's not a fan of others being bothered, again secretly caring for others. He has no fear of shadow demons, and has just a little fun doing his job. He tries keeping his identity as the demon slayer a secret, as he doesn't want to be bothered about his job.

Corvis is an extension of Grimms mind, so he's always on the same page. But he's a little more stringent, smarter, and more alert than Z, tending to be the one to alert him about potential demons in the area. At the same time, he manages to be less formal and more willing to communicate. He gets a thrill out of scaring others whenever he has an excuse to.


This IS Death we're talking about. One swoop from his scythe is enough to send demons or anything with a soul out of commission.

General designs: Grimm appears to be a young brown-skinned human in average shape for hig age, usually dressing in dark clothing and hoodies. He wears a chain necklace with a purple star-shaped crystal. He has a black eye color, short black hair (no facial hair), and usually baggy eyes. His alternative outfit, being death, is the expected dark cloak that covers his body and shadows the top half of his tace, mouth area and maybe nose visible. He usually has his scythe on hand. 
Corvis appears to be a huge dark and shadowy creature with white eyes, their figure resembling a crow or raven... Dunno, I wanna give a bit of artistic freedom with this guy. Just a big evil looking crow/raven, or any fictional avian species like a griffin inspired by those two.

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