


3 years, 3 months ago


Regarded as the leader of the gods, Solisto is the god of the Sun, space, hospitality, the day, and the presence of things. Rules over VELTVERIAH, the golden city that thrives under the warmth and grace of the sun. He is regarded as a benevolent, perfect ruler. After his twin brother gained control of the moon, SOLISTO made sure the sun with it's brillance outshone the moon during the day, and only allowed the moon to shine while everyone slept. You can imagine he's a very spiteful guy.

Under the pretense of the maintenance of his peoples' wellbeing, he controls peoples' thoughts and pacifies them. He himself is very apathetic, operating under not what he personally believes to be best, but what he has surmised is the best way to maintain order through coldly calculating it. 


  • Holding monthly banquet celebrations to honor his people, and to exercise hospitality. Set an example. Anyone can come!
  • Loves being the center of attention, and being around other people! Never seems to be alone
  • Excess! He loves things! Sentimental knick knacks, jewelry, clothing.. Everything! 
  • Holding office with anyone who requests it, as long as that person can offer something that is important to them first.
  • His brother.
  • Disobedience