Venica Azusa



3 years, 3 months ago


venica azusa

name venica azusa

age 19

gender female

species fey

mbti entp

occupation dream keeper

alignment neutral good

worth warm heart

music player
Blue Moon
MIMO — Blue Moon



Venica Azusa, a fey called a 'vagabond dream catcher', is overall quiet and calm, smiling every time full of happiness; happiness stemming from her career. She usually goes place to place on her own without other companions, and rarely feels loneliness or solitude. As being the poet of the dream, and as a dreamcatcher, she is full of love, kindness, and care, making her just the right person for the job. She loves children, especially those who believe in the thing called a 'tooth fairy' tale. Well, that's who Venica is after all; except she doesn't take a tooth but a butterfly representing their dream.

Despite these bright sides, she's very timid. As the time hasn't passed so long since going out of the 'dark', she still isn't used to the world where she lives. Being invisible to anyone (well except for the boy she is longing to meet), she sometimes gets lonely, occasionally, flying through other child's rooms gently, reading a book for them. As being timid, she easily gets scared or gets surprised by nothing. Nothing, well, literally nothing. When frightening her, the calm and kind girl goes nowhere, and there appears a very angry girl, bursting with tears. Usually gets very honest with her dream butterflies.


A girl, who lived with the duty of collecting butterflies, drifting in the dark. The clock shimmered below the ground, rumming the blank state of the place. Venica was on a destiny, hearing the voices of the world: 'Gather the butterflies. Gather, fold with your hands...'. She didn't even know what that butterfly was meant to be, and when trying to collect and touched it, it usually disappeared into dust, out of sight. The dust of the butterflies made her cough softly, irritating her a little. Surely, she could feel no entertainment and wanted to get out of whatever this place was. However, every place was filled with darkness, void. There was no where to go out or go, since it was an endless oracle.

Meanwhile, there were several voices heard from her; something about the border between the other dimension called 'Gate'. It sounded as if it was the voices of the world, but wasn't sure why they were telling her. One day on July 7, the bright gate opened. As soon as the gate appeared within the void, she was to cross a bridge that was thought to be dangerous through 'voices'.

Every place was dark as also, which made Venica's delightment dull with disappointment. Well, there was one person, playing ukulele softly. The boy looked surprised to see her, but smiled. She blushed. 'A life? Could it be someone like me?' Soon they began to have a conversation and laugh at each other, being the two, living in the void with their duty. The one, same as her, caught upon the void, taught about how he thinks about their beings, and that they could get out if they ought to sleep. As the clock on their feet rang 12A.M, as if sending a message it's time to go, she had no choice but to leave. After that, the 'Gate' did not appear.


The boy seemed to be safe and warm, but Venica wasn't sure why the boy knew all those things she didn't know. She tried sleeping, folding her small body, but failed and failed because of the loud ticking sound of the clock beneath her. With her last hope, she closed her eyes, tightly, gritting her teeth. The clock sound stopped. The flying butterflies stopped. The blank state of void whooshed with radiant and ultimate light.

Opening her eyes, the place seemed to be different. It wasn't some kind of another darkness, or somewhat a place trapping her. What she could see was a world, a place where life called as 'humans' were living. She could see the light, which she hadn't seen since trapped in that vast land of void. The butterflies she tried to catch started to move, and the time passed as it was. The butterflies seemed to be flying out of the house. It looked as if, it was 'their' dreams. It looked as if, it drew out 'their' dreams.

Keeper of the dream, as a poet of the dream, her job is to finish the dream as a poet, simple and short. She expresses a soft, tender, and careful impression with a soft voice. Now that she found out why and how, she always loves people, especially younglings, now enjoying her sweet job. This is also because she wants some stories about her people to tell him on July 7, admiring the day to finally meet him.

  • Love
  • Kindness
  • Warmness
  • Spare time
  • Farewell
  • Negative feelings
  • Rainy day
  • Sleep talking

  • Full name, 紅花 あずさ, meaning 'The Joy of the Red Flower's Youth'
  • Venica's butterfly does not have antennae; they are just a form of butterflies flying around. Butterflies on her clothes also seem to move depending on how her emotion changes.
  • Usually flies around New York; that's where she loves. (Also designed her as a background being New York, drifting in the air.)
  • How she gathers the butterflies is easy; the butterflies fly to her, which she puts her magic in and poofs it, sending the 'sweet' dream back to people in that city.
  • Her scarf can be used as a hand. It can be moved freely, independent with her will. Can sustain Venica on the air while she's sitting.
  • The pink figurine on her head and on her scarf is not a flame; it is a figure of the dream seen visible. As a result, there is no pain or burn when touched.
  • The heart-shaped ones are the knot-shaped as those. Also has a bell attached to her clothes' waist. It rings, tingling when she runs or makes a sudden movement.

name surname


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name surname


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Dignissim diam quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum. Consectetur adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit.

designer alpzo

owner alpzo

worth $$

code ziico | edits by Sealkitty