


3 years, 2 months ago


Odessa | ♀️ | Gardener

Odessa of Gingham
Design Notes
Creator tootles
Worth an internal ogan
Character Info
Name Odessa
Species Schoolgirl
Age 18
Pronouns she/her
Orientation gay
Duties school messenger, garnder
Wants to graduate
Fears dying
Quote "Me? I'm just a skillful idiot."

🡪Odessa is from a family of traditional dancers in Gingham Lake Town. She applied for Lark's School for Girls because she didn't have any talent for dance and was tired of working so hard at something she didn't enjoy. She technically failed the entrance exam, but her essay was strong enough to get her a special acceptance. She has a little sister named Springtime.

🡪She has few friends and is known around the academy for having a cold heart. The truth, however, is just that she's not very good at expressing her emotions.

🡪Her focus in school is gardening and botany, but she also works as a messenger to Lark's estate. She's very athletic and particularly skilled in long distance running. With instruction from Sedan, she becomes adept at fighting with a polearm as well as hand to hand combat.

🡪She marries Cognac.
🡪Lark and Sedan are her dearest friends, though she is closer with Lark.

original design by realtense
code by zodia