


3 years, 2 months ago



This character's profile includes mentions of infertility, child abandonment, and child death.
Status Alive
Age 25 years
Gender Woman
Pronouns She
Species Wolf
Eye Color Green
Coat Color White/Black

Amara always believed herself to be barren after spending years trying to conceive, until she was able to have her first (and only) litter. She had three pups, one a stillborn, and the other two alive and healthy. She nursed them best as she could, but the longer she did the more she began to feel panic rising in her. She became overwhelmed with the responsibility of pups, and lost herself obsessing over the wolf she conceived with, who had left her before she even was sure if she was pregnant or not. She could see the other wolf in the brown and black dominant coats of her pups, and it made her angrier and angrier and the feeling of claustrophobia rose with each passing day. When she went for a walk by herself, she ended up stumbling upon a human pup who was abandoned by her own parents in the woods to die. In a split-second decision, she took the child and ran. Leaving her pups in the hollowed out tree roots she had been nursing them in. Never to see them again.

She raised the human pup, trying to put her own out of her mind. She was still nursing, and was able to nurse the child until she was grown. The child ended up being gifted, and now she travels with them wherever they made go, fiercely protective of the child she chose to abandon her own for.

She has a personality that lends itself towards fear of responsibility and commitment, where she would rather run from her problems than confront them. She justifies it by saying that she enjoys having the freedom to choose, and that she doesn't like to be tied down and having her agency stolen from her - even by her own hand.

  • Running
  • Freedom
  • Agency and Choice
  • Confrontation
  • Commitment
  • Being Cornered