


3 years, 3 months ago



Called Henkan

Gender DemiGirl

Pronouns She/They

Sexuality Lesbian

Age 19

Birthday April 18

Species Shapeshifter

Voice claim Voice

HTML Pinky


Henkan’s job is to help out with Itachi clean up crimes of other criminals, Witnesses of the crimes are brought back to Itachi’s lab where he experiences different medicines on them. This is how she met Adder and Rei. The two are some of the only people to show progress with the medicine, while Henkan and Rei get along quite well. She and Adder have always had a rivalry due to both of them trying to gain the admiration of Itachi.


Height 5'2

Build Small torso, Wide hips, Broad shoulders

Eyes Light Teal

Hair Color Burgundy

Hair Style Wavy, Tucked behind left ear, Braid wraping around the front

Demeanor Confident,Childish/Curious,Psychopathic


  • Catlike pupils
  • Horns on her shoulders and hips
  • Tail rattles like a rattle snake
  • Fangs on only top teeth


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Henkan tends to be quite reckless and impulsive often not caring what effects her actions will cause. She lacks empathy and often doesn't understand when others are upset or excited, She's generally very confident and bubbly but she's also easily irritated by others.



"She buy's me candy when Itachi wont :D"


"They're so fluffy!"

Taste of blood

"It's salty"


"I like the sound and breeze they make when they go by".



"He's Loud."


"The texture is weird."

The cold

"It makes me feel like I can't move."


"It feels unnatural."




Henkan's shapeshifting abilities only allows her to use the physical attributes of what she changes to. Take a scorpion for example she can still use the sharpness of it's tail and claws but she does not have possession of the poison of a regular scorpion would have. She also has the ability to only change specific parts of her body.


Henkan never learned to read or write. Rei has tried to teach her some things but she mostly just enjoy's when she can read stories with her.


The pants Henkan normally wears are covered in patches sewn on by Itachi since she kept tearing them apart when wearing them.



Henkan has no memories other than when she met Itachi. He was around the age of 7 when she met him. She had copied his form, scaring him but he had a strange fascination with her. So he continued to visit her in the woods. After many months of Itachi visiting her he gave her the name Henkan as a symbol of her shapeshifting ability. Over this time Henkan began to copy Itachi’s actions by catching birds or other small rodents, even larger animals such as deer and coyotes and copying his brutal actions but with no idea what she was doing and why, Her only goal was to gain praise from Itachi. Once Henkan was 13 Itachi moved to the city for university and work and took Henkan with him to continue his experiments on her. During this time while Itachi worked she explored the city learning new things about the world and herself, This is when she began to add on to the form she had originally taken to where she was no longer recognizable as simply a clone. 3 years later Itachi was Expelled from his university and fired from his job. This is what made Him and Henkan begin their own business cleaning up the crimes of other criminals.


Adder was one of the witnesses of a crime Henkan and Itachi were sent to deal with so he was brought in by Itachi to be experimented on before Henkan could get to him so that already irritated her but it happens alot so she didn't care all that much what irritated her is that he survived many of the experiments and Itachi decided to bring him into the group since he was showing good progress and came from a past in the drug chain. He has an overly cocky and loud personality which is not great when you put two over confident loud people in a room together but they both want the same thing aka Itachi's attention.


Rei was another witness of a crime much later after Adder was brought into the group she also survived many of the experiments and Henkan was initially very hostile towards her but her calm and timid nature always blocked her unlike adders explosiveness. Rei would just ignore Henkan rather than fight her. Itachi decided to assign henkan to training rei to join their work since Rei was just a regular citizen beforehand. Over this time Rei told henkan many stories about her life before she was taken by them and they started to get along quite well since henkan was always very curious and rei was the polar opposite of anyone she had spent her life around, Henkan started gaining empathy with Rei when she noticed over time she went from just yelling at her to trying to help her when rei would have panic attacks on the job. She over time realized the setting they were in was not a good one and began to create a plan to get rei out of there but rei refused to leave without helping adder out of there as well, So rei got Henkan and Adder to put away their rivalry and while adder initially refused to help them escape and didn't want to join them he eventually joined them when they showed him the nature behind Itcahi and that he'd likely be tossed once he began to fail the ever growing difficulty of the experiments.




Close friend / Brother figure

"As a kid I used to bring him a bunch of rodents and bones I found in the woods. He always thanked me when I did, Maybe I should start doing that again."



Coworker / Rival

"I once tried to drown him but he stopped me and told Itachi, I was scolded for 8 hours. I hate him. But it is fun to piss off citizens walking by with him."




"I wasn't sure how to feel about her at first. But now we have a daily routine where she shows me how to cook so I can eat something other than chicken every day."