
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




6 foot, 9 inches

Defining Quirk:

Always Happy

Favorite Food:

Anything with Tomato in it...

Favorite Person:


Favorite Things:

Salamanders, Comfy bedding, & Climbing trees

Quotes about Kendryl:

"Why Kendryl is the nicest person ever. I mean they bought this house and let me move in when I burned down their's by accident." & "Kendryl says I'm not allowed to have power tools, remotes, wooden hangers, Fish tanks, Lava lamps, unrelated children, bricks, flowers, homeless people, or jumper cables in the house anymore... I think it's because of what happened last time I had new friends over."


Theater Costume & Set Designer, Volunteer Stage head and assistant Drama teacher for the local high school.

Dream Job:

He's already got it.


Kuhn is a salamander loving tree kangaroo. He is Kendryl's self proclaimed best friend and roommate. He is hyperactive and overly friendly with everyone he meets... This causes all sort of problems as he is naturally very unlucky and danger prone... As such Kendryl is forced to put up with him... Due to the fact that Kuhn's misfortunes have already burned down Kendryl's house once. Most of his antics are caused by his natural dexterity being a little off at times... While he doesn't walk into walls he can trip over nothing. 

Kuhn is clueless and easy going. He seems to be lost in him own little world. He tends to forget names and faces easily. He loves Kendryl very much and wants to make them happy. He just doesn't get that his good intentions tend to cause more harm. He might be more aware of his bad luck then he acts...