Florence Magnum



7 years, 28 days ago


Name: Florence Magnum

Age: ??? (21)

Height: 6'4


Facts: Likes Coca cola, diet is his favorite though. Robs soda machines, when someone sets him off or he has a feeling of murdering someone, his hands shake. fancy car, and a motorcycle at home. Where's a mask when he's about to murder. He likes hanging out with gangs, but isn't loyal to anyone of them. He just takes the jobs given to him. He works at 7/11, or just a regular convenience store. Strawberry Crepes and blue berry muffins. Fruity alcohol. Tends stare, and spaces out easily. Smiles around people. Likes puns. Sometimes disturbing but rarely. High alcohol tolerance. Wears the Nikey heels sometimes. At home wears his underwear and nothing else. Listens to vaporwave and some rap. Makes music sometimes but seems to always lose the patience to finish most of his music. Goes to nights club, owns a rose gold iphone 7. Future vision sometimes, but it's really brief. He doesn't scary movies, they terrify him. Hates throw up. Likes to do yoga at gym. They like leg warmers. Likes to slip away quietly. (His dick is 7 1/2)