Olivia Kelipao



3 years, 3 months ago


Olivia Kelipao

-25, She/Her, Trans Lesbian, 6’5”

-Indifferent most of the time, doesn’t really take anything seriously unless it’s about her loved ones or directly impacting herself. Has a hard time trusting people, very quick to fight when talked or looked at the wrong way.
-Can be very charismatic... when she tries...

-Her hair can be used as separate limbs, able to multitask VERY well, as well as lifting heavy objects and using her own hair as a chair when she’s REALLY lazy.


-Defected after the event’s of Splatoon 1, trying to make a safe route for her and Fia to the surface but was taken to Kamabo. Although not being in combat during her times in the domes, Olivia’s extremely intelligent, being able to complete stages with ease. She was about to collect her last Thang, until a faulty spawn trapped her in Girl Power Station. Olivia was then brutally attacked by the octolings within the stage, but she fought back and scared her opponents. She doesn’t know how she scared them, but it worked. She took charge of the station after many failed attempts to escape it. She spent 12 years in the metro until Agent 4 (Ven) and Agent 8 (Fia) found her and broke her out. The other octolings decided to stay behind for unknown reasons, but Olivia left to the surface. She had issues... adjusting... when meeting Quail for the first time... (seeing your once gf married to a murderer while you were rotting in an underground test facility isn’t a great thing to be met with dbdjrhdb). She does later talk it out with Quail and Fia, and over time became more comfortable with Quail. She starts dating both of them a few months later.

-Olivia is 75% sanitized, was still able to have most control over her body when Tartar was still around, but is still affected by the sanitization. Her moral compass is... questionable at best. Her physical strength was doubled during the sanitization process and has also gain minor night vision. However she has nightmares, and even delusional episodes, of being back in the metro being attacked like she was 12 years back.

-Dating Fia, her childhood friend back in the domes. Dating Quail, aka Agent 3.

-Viper Kelipao’s younger sister

-Acquaintances with dedf1sh