


3 years, 3 months ago
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Optimistic. Thoughtful. Caring.
Name Himawari
Nicknames Hima, Sunflower
Age 18
Height 4"9
Occupation Gardener
Sexuality Pansexual
Theme Song link
Designer @MonenTheArtist
    Himawari is often called Hima or Himmy for short by her friends, family and co workers! She's quite an average but wonderful gal as she's passed college with straight A's and even now has a college degree and more though Hima's favoruite subject is Biology along with philosophy as she's always have a special intrest in history but never did make it her career, it's more of her hobby when Hima has spare time to read. Hima also works as a flower gardener at a large local greenhouse in her town and often can be seen watering, tending to or taking care of all the flowers, especially the sun flowers, some even say Hima lends free flowers to newcomers since she gets extra flowers sometimes and always love giving them to a new home to be taken care of, of course beside working in a greenhouse, himawari also tends to be seen in libraries at times studying, though Hima isn't in college, she still does study biology and philosophy during her lunch break as she does enjoy learning more things even if not needed to! Hima also has a pet gip named pimpin that can be quite the handful when she gets home, she found pimpin only a few years ago during college when one of the school factually members reported a wild beast running rabid in the college, of course, Hima took pimpin home the moment she called him down as pimpin often demands most of hima's attention to him though Hima is still working on his manners even if he is a gip!