


3 years, 4 months ago


Name Eling

Pronouns they/them

Species concept


Eling is a tall, armless, monster with a black, void-like body. They wear a red scarf that they can control as compensation for their lack of arms. They have large, glasses-like eyes with black sclera and white pupils, and heavy bags under their eyes.


They are a reflection of Eli's strenuous traits and a moderate sense of humor from Ling. They can easily hold a grudge for others, but harder to apologize due to not having much of Eli's caring traits. They can also be existential at times and may be seen as depressive. They tend to appear cold and emotionless, and often mask any and all emotions they feel. They have a hard exterior but can easily break down when put under a lot of pressure.

  • coffee
  • sweets
  • their parents
  • their existence

hey. it's you.

Shortly after the pancakes incident involving Eli and Ling, Eling manifested as the physical embodiment of their "relationship": filled with spite for their existence and ready to wreak havoc.

Upon their first appearance, their presence was immediately off-putting and upsetting for everyone- spilling secrets, saying things they shouldn't say, and targeting Plight especially. It became apparent that their morals were very questionable, with no discernable reasons for their actions.

Their spite for Phony, however, was very apparent. They despised Phony's existence due to the fact that they had no apparent reason for pretending to be Plight and tormenting Eli, their mother.


Eling had asked Phony numerous times what their purpose was: who sent them, why were they posing as Plight, and why were they tormenting Eli? Phony, however, refused to budge. They wouldn't answer Eling's questions, no matter what Eling did or threatened to do. To Eling's dismay, Phony asked them the same questions. Eling, of course, didn't want to reveal their motives.

In the end, Phony started telling Eling about how they still had a chance: a chance to redeem themselves and become somebody. Eling refused to listen, and ended up losing their temper and flinging Phony into the phosphor sea, proceeding to vanish yet again.


  • their name is a play on "Eli" and "Ling".
  • their preferred drink is coffee, but they will accept tea.
  • they're actually quite fond of sweets.



"She's- she's fine. She's not a... big fan of my existence. I can't blame her, neither am I. She is... technically the victim of the lie that created me. I'd rather not talk about it."


"I really don't like him. He contributed to the... the, um, lie that caused my creation, and you know exactly how I feel about my existence. I don't exactly wish harm on him, but if something happened that caused him to leave or at least stop talking to me, I definitely wouldn't complain."


"I have... pretty mixed feelings about this guy. My gut tells me to hate him, but... I know it isn't his fault. I just... don't like being wrong. He's pretty easy to scare, especially considering who- or, uh, what I am."

code by jiko
Name Eling, "El"

Pronouns they/them

Species concept

Residence refuge


Eling is a tall, armless, slightly fluffy void-like being. They wear a red scarf that they can control, and are occasionally seen wearing pants. Their eyes are large and glasses-like, with heavy bags and eyelashes.


Eling, on the outside, appears incredibly cold and ruthless. However, they're really a big softie and are warm towards people they like and people who are nice to them. However, they are often depressive and may act in concerning ways. They tend to mask their feelings behind insults.

  • marshmallow fluff
  • ice cream
  • The Drink.
  • coffee
  • their existence
  • zeling?

  • mm whipped cream yum yum



"She's. My mom? I don't hate her, but she definitely doesn't like me."


"He fucking sucks, man. Hate him."




"*sigh* Zeling, huh. He's- me from another universe, apparently?? I think he's... way too jokey. Makes fun of me too much... and apparently much better than me in every way, as well. Really gets on my nerves. Not that I'm- I'm not... jealous, or anything."


"Another alternate me, I guess! They're more chill then Zeling is- maybe a little bit too chill? They don't say much. They spend a lot of time upside-down- I don't know how they don't get sick. And they like to... float off the ground. Somehow. They don't complain about anything much, that's nice."

code by jiko
Design notes
  • their head is fluffy, and the rest of their body is slightly soft (and usually cold to the touch)
  • their teeth are slightly sharp
  • their mouth is w i d e
  • they have heavy eyebags
  • they can be drawn with eyelashes under their eyes