Stars Storage (Cinnaminnow - Love Bug)



3 years, 3 months ago


Minnowstrike Cinnamonstick


Name Minnowstrike

Age 34 Moons

Gender Female, she/her

Orientation Lesbian

Rank Warrior Hunter

page stars #511


Name Cinnamonstick

Age 31 Moons

Gender Female, she/her

Orientation Bisexual

Rank Warrior Hunter

page stars #506 ru #1


Type Romantic

Length Almost a year

Status Mates

Met On the outskirts of the border

Living Together, in Moonlcan

Kits Dawnpaw & Silverpaw


Two of the earliest members of Moonclan, Minnowstrike and Cinnamonstick were also the first couple within the small clan. They're both Hunters, and while Minnowstrike is definitely better at the role than Cinnamonstick (she's had years more experience, after all), they both work hard and well to provide food for their clan.

The pair were also the first to have kits within Moonclan- now apprentices, Dawnpaw and Silverpaw, who they both love very much. They weren't planning to have kits- neither of them felt like very good parent material- but when it happened, they were happy and excited and ready to take on the challenge, with the rest of Moonclan helping them out, of course.

Cinnamonstick was the first cat Minnowstrike ever really got close to- and likewise, Minnow was the first cat Cinnamon met and became friends with aside from a few other kittypets from before. Minnow was the first to join Moonclan other than Berrysnap and Nightstar herself- she even helped them find the caves that serve as Moonclan's camp! When Minnowstrike was on a patrol around the newly-created borders of their clan, she found Cinnamonstick attempting to hunt and brought her back to Nightstar, who let Cinnamon stay under the ruling that Minnowstrike would be in charge of her.

Both Cinnamon and Minnow are far from perfect- Cinnamonstick is new to life in the wild, and it's been a very hard adjustment for her- and she's scared of being abandoned again, thrown out and unwanted, like her humans did to her (as she's confessed to Minnow late one night, the two curled together in the mostly empty warriors den). Minnowstrike is also having trouble adjusting to life as a warrior in Moonclan- but moreso because she's so used to not having anyone to lean on, to only having herself to rely on, only herself to have to take care of. Being part of a group that is contstantly growing and gaining new members, an entire clan of cats to call her family, is incredibly new to her and it's too much sometimes. Cinnamon relishes the family the clan has formed, usually the more social of the two for that.

They fight sometimes, Minnow usually the one to disagree or not go to Cinnamon for her problems or decisions, and Cinnamon often too reliant on Minnow, but they're trying to work it out. Having their kits helped a lot to bring them closer.


First Meeting

The two met when Minnowstrike was patrolling the newly-designated borders of Moonclan. She was alone, as there really wasn't anybody but Nightstar and Berrysnap yet, who were off doing other important things. Minnowstrike found Cinnamon trying-and failing- to hunt a mouse. The blue-gold tabby watched in mild amusement, hidden in the bushes, before making her presence known by pouncing onto the mouse and killing it right in front of Cinnamon.

Cinnamon had been abandoned by her human only a few days before, and was quite lost and scared- that didn't stop her from staring in awe at the sleek, powerful little tabby that just killed her prey with ease. Minnowstrike was defensive, on guard and not trusting this new cat who was obviously a kittypet (or at least used to be), but after some conversation, ad explanation of what Moonclan was, Cinnamon agreed to be brought back to their camp, following Minnowstrike through the woods.

Welcome to Moonclan

Nightstar knew they needed more members, and even despite her initial disdain (easy for Minnowstrike to read on her leader's face, even more apparent on the deputy's, although Cinnamon didn't seem to pick up on it), Cinnamon was eager to learn and make herself useful- eager for a place to stay, for protection and a new family.

Nightstar agreed to let Cinnamon stay in Moonclan- as long as Minnowstrike be in charge of teaching her how to hunt, how to fight, the warrior code and everything that comes with it. It was a daunting task for the small warrior, new to the clan-aspects herself (but experienced in living in the wild, of course), but she agreed. She'd hate to admit it, but she was quickly growing attached to the cinnamon tabby.

Oh No I Think Im In Love

Weeks and then moons passed, Cinnamon earning her warrior name, Cinnamonstick, from Nightstar after proving that she was learning and working to become a useful part of the clan. The clan had continued to grow, new members arriving, but Cinnamonstick and Minnowstrike continued to grow closer, as friends. They often took patrols together- Cinnamon was still leanring, improving in her hunting every day (although she would never be the best hunter in the clan, or the most fierce fighter), and Minnow took every opportunity she could to help the other warrior.

Cinnamonstick realized it first, before she had even become a full warrior. The two were settling into their nests in the warrior's cave, moss and leaves and soft plants giving them a comfortable place to sleep amongst the dirt and stone. Cinnamon had found a pretty-shaped stick on their patrol that day, and was arranging it next to her nest, in the little alcove in the stone. Minnowstrike was watching her sleepily, and asked her a question about her sticks- nothing mean, blunt as Minnow was known to be but genuinely curious and interested- and Cinnamon doesn't even remember what the question was or what her answer was, she just knows that she fell in love with Minnowstrike right there. She didn't do anything about it of course, too scared to lose Minnowstrike even as a friend (what if they made her leave the clan?), but it was a near thing.

Minnowstrike took a bit longer- she was unused to interacting with other cats so often in general, let alone having feelings for one. Looking back on it, she's sure that she had the feelings for a while- that odd fondness for the sweet cinnamon tabby, her willingness to go out of her way to do things for her that she never would before-, but she didn't quite realize it until later, maybe a moon after Cinnamonstick was given her warrior name. The two were on patrol, heading towards the river, and they got into a playfight- nothing serious, just tousling, practice, right on the soft sand of the riverbank. Cinnamonstick got the jump on her, surprised her, and Minnowstrike was sent tumbling back into the river, doused from head to toe. Cinnamon started to laugh, but quickly ran up to her, worried- and Minnowstrike just sat chest-deep in the shallow water, staring at the sweet, kind, beautiful cinnamon tabby and felt like her world was tilting on its axis.

The Confession

Neither of them said anything for a while- too scared to ruin their friendship, too embarrased, too unsure of themselves. It wasn't until they were on patrol one night, when they encountered an unfriendly rogue who ended up attacking them- the two fought them off, but not without injuries of their own. Afterword, bleeding and tired from the fight, the two just looked at each other, catching their breaths- and Cinnamonstick couldn't help but admire the way the moonlight accented Minnowstrike's shimmering fur, the way she fought so fiercely, the way she took a hit for Cinnamonstick without hesitation. It came out without her meaning to, purred into the night, just loud enough for Minnowstrike to hear it- "I think I'm in love with you."

Despite both their initial flustered reactions, Minnowstrike quickly worked up the courage to offer a response- "Y-Yeah, I think I am, too."

They decided to court- and it was easy, really, the progression of their relationship like that. No one in Moonclan was surprised- apparently, there were some bets passed around, from what Minnowstrike heard.

The Kits

The kits were an accident- neither of them were planning on having kits really, not so soon into their relationship, but things happened and once they realized Cinnamonstick was going to have kits, it was too late to stop anything. After the initial fear, they were mostly excited! Cinnamonstick took a break from warrior duties, and once the kits were born, Minnowstrike spent a lot of time with them and Cinnamon in the nursery (although didn't stop warrior duties completely)!

They were both excited ad scared to be new parents, and being the first to have kits in the new Moonclan, it was extra nervewracking. But when they saw Dawnkit and Silverkit's little newborn faces, they knew that they would do anything for these kits. Cinnamon stayed with them in the nursery (with the help of Dustpetal and her two kits when they arrived not long after), until Dawnkit and Silverkit were old enough to become apprentices!

Nightstar purposely didn't give either of the new apprentices one of their mothers as a mentor- which both of them were quietly relieved about. Minnowstrike didn't think Berrysnap would be good for Dawnpaw, her talkative, excitable little girl, but Cinnamonstick talked her out of saying anything rude. They often tag along on patrols with their kits and their mentors, helping, but now that their kits are out of the nursery and have mentors of their own, they have returned to full warrior duties.









  • Fear of Intimacy - Zack Villere
  • Flaming Hot Cheetos - Clairo
  • I Think You're Alright - Jay Som
  • Pyjama Pants - Cavetown
  • Ruse & the Caper - Coyote Theory


  • Cinnamonstick collects sticks- and she's started bringing her favorite ones to Minnowstrike!
  • Minnowstrike isn't good at being super affectionate, especially not in public, but she's trying! Cinnamonstick is usually the one to initiate affection.
  • Their biggest fight so far was when Minnowstrike was on patrol with Shadowstep while Cinnamon was with the kits, and the two got into a fight with a fox that left Minnowstrike limping, with a hurt ankle, but not bleeding. She downplayed her injury for a few days, and didn't want to go see Salem for it- which frustrated Cinnamonstick, especially when she kept using it like normal and it got worse. They argued, Cinnamon raising her voice more than she ever really did. They worked it out, with Minnow relenting and going to see Salem, who gave her a seed for the pain and told her she should've come earlier.
  • They often just call each other by their prefixes- their warrior names are rather long- but Minnowstrike also often calls Cinnamonstick just Cinni!
  • Minnowstrike can get very protective of Cinnamonstick, despite being slightly smaller than her. Some of the clanmembers who were rogues or loners or even clan cats before Moonclan (cough berrysnap cough) can be impatient with Cinnamonstick's struggles with hunting and fighting, with her remnants of soft kittypet lifestyle that she still has or misses. Minnowstrike almost got into a fight with their deputy for an offhand comment one night, and the two often butt heads.