
She's adorable and looks almost like me, she's a sona now. She's pretty fashionable too.

Adopted from here.

A young woman working in an office job, she nonetheless takes delight from coming up with designs for her (fictional) boutique or singing songs as she works in her home. She's a femme lesbian, and can generally be talked into a date by a butch. Might get snappy, but she's not one to get full-on angered very easily.


  • Creative
  • Optimistic
  • Hard-working
  • Respectful
  • Curious
  • Forgetful
  • Self-blaming
  • Picky
  • Prone to addictive behaviors
  • Can get rather snippy sometimes
  • Despite the "office worker living off of coffee" stereotype, Hanako can't stand coffee. It's bitter, and the caffeine makes her too jittery (and more prone to getting snippy with people). straawberrysyrup , in a forum game.

And ig we'll add more notes later.