


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Feel free to draw him in any of the outfits in his outfits tab!


name Brooklyn
nickname Brook

gender male
orientation pansexual

worth $5
birthday April 4th

Brooklyn is a mischievous (not-so) young shrine guardian and messenger of the gods. His work involves anything in the realm of self-expression, more specifically, romance. He enjoys matchmaking and aiding with confessions of love. He's a talented artist and poet, often using his skills to help lovebirds who may not be as artistically inclined. He is also quite the troublemaker and enjoys playing pranks on others, though he's truly a kind person at heart. One of his favorite things he's picked up from the human world is fashion, as he loves anything that he can use as an outlet to express himself. Brooklyn is also known to be very flirtatious, often making moves on anyone he finds attractive. He also smells like strawberries and cream.