


3 years, 3 months ago


Name: mist
Gender: non binary
Personality: helpful
Their species are a magical foxes that can fly but mist couldn’t fly. They used to sit lonely in a cloud and nobody would talk to them. Once the evil shapeshifters started getting closer, their group had to move and they set them off at the land since they couldn’t fly. Once one of the kings guards found her all alone and confused, they got to talk about what happened to them to make sure they wherent evil. The guard brought them to the king, the king would let them stay if they became his helper.
Once they where old enough the king would let them go to the town and they would mak
e friends (eli crystal and Cory ) and they would show them the town  
Once they find out there’s a forest they  would go in there they found a monster called enchanted at first they run away
Later they  try again they get to talk to enchanted enchanted told them that evereyone runs away from them and their family is gone
Mist said that they also lost their family because they left them behind
They get to become great friends and goes back each day to enchanted


Name Mist
Pronouns She/They
Gender                                                      Non binary
Species Cloud Fox
Current kingdom                          forest kingdom
Old Kingdom Cloud kingdom


  •  Cloud Foxes Are magical species of foxes but mist couldn’t Fly
  • They Used to sit lonely in the clouds and nobody would talk to them
  • When the shapeshifters got closer The cloud foxes had to set mist off at the land because they had to be fast and mist couldn’t fly
  • once one of the kings guards found them alone and sad
  • they toke mist to the king in the castle 
  • after some time of mist helping the king the king told them there was a town nearby and he warned them to not go into the forest