-🦑 Splat 🦑-



3 years, 3 months ago


super friendly squid girl who will give everyone free hugs and has way  too much empathy for her own good, she will cry if any of her friends are sad in the slightest and will do anything she can to make them feel better

she used to be very reserved and isolate herself to an unhealthy degree until she met her gf Streak while both of them were dealing with a shared traumatic situation and streak began to break down her walls and the two started working towards healing together and years later realized they had fallen for each other in the process

splat still deals with anxiety caused by what she and streak went through but having a partner who understands what she's experienced helps her to talk it out and cope


splat is my ancient splatoon sona from back in the early days of splatoon 1 

i was still skeptical i would even like the game so i named my amiibo Splat bc i didn’t think it was worth coming up with anything else and it just stuck man 

her story doesn't exactly reflect me as she was part of my old splatoon comic and it comes from that but she's the closest rep of me out of my splatoon chars