Kate Marlowe



3 years, 2 months ago


Age: 24

Gender: Cis woman

Pronouns: she/her

Birthday: N/A

Sexuality: Bisexual/biromantic

Family: N/A

Occupation: Monster hunter ("The Spooky" playbook)

While Kate's story never got a canonical wrap up in the MOTW story she was part of, the loose story of what I would have likely done with her lives on. Becoming corrupted by her psychic abilities, Kate was likely going to start working behind the backs of the NYPD team she found herself part of, trying to obtain large sources of power to use for herself, as well as her ability source, Jel. Kate very likely would have had a physical transformation from all the power-hunger and psychic energy fueling her.

Spotify Playlist: Available (content warning for unnerving themes and audio effects)

Playlist explanation: Kate's playlist has an emphasis on birds. They are a comfort to her, and bring her a sense of peace in times of stress and disappointment. As the songs go deeper into the playlist, the birdsongs— and all the songs in general— become more unnerving to emulate Kate's descent into her psychic powers. The tipping point starts at Weird Birds by Toby Fox, where the pattern of one real bird song for every two non-bird songs finally begins to go astray. After the combination of Bird Caught in Throat by Disparition and Bird Song by Florence + The Machine, no more bird-related songs are present in the playlist, signifying a line has been crossed in who Kate is anymore. The playlist begins to calm down near the end, providing the sense of a bittersweet end to the chaos, and a potential catharsis.