Roger Treau Farré



3 years, 3 months ago



name: Roger Treau Farré

alias.: Nickname

birthday: 31/10

birthplace: cityname

nationality: polish

crrnt age: 101yrs

crrnt location: archive tower


gender: gender

prn: prn/prn


species: species

ethnicity: or subspecies, breed idk

blood type: ???

main hand: both

face type: face

eye color: light green

hair color: black

hairstyle: curly, mid length

skintone: brown

body type: type

build: build

height: 160cm

weight: 30kg

shoe size: 38cm

birtmark: none

scar: type, location

Distinguishing Features: watch shaped core in right eye socket

talk about them! this box will scroll :) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

mbti: mbti

mood: mood

Attitude: attitude

Stability: stability

Note: a note :)

Expressiveness: expressiveness

Happy : content

Depressed: content

Angry: content

health: good, bad, average

memory: good, bad, average

energy: good, bad, average

senses: good, bad, average

allergies: no yes

handicaps: no yes

phobia: no yes

addiction: no yes

mental disorder: no yes

Parenting: how were their parents when they grew up?

Upbringing: What ideas and morals your character grew up with?

Infancy[0-5]: How was their life when they were a baby?

Childhood[5-12]: How was their life when they were a child?

Adolescence[13-18]: How was their life when they were an teen?

Adulthood [18<]: How was their life when they were a adult?

Coming of age: What event made them mature?

Evolution: How did they changed since they were a kid?

Hobbies: What do they like to do?

Skills/talents: What do they Know todo?

Likes: one, two three

Dislikes: one, two three

Sense of humor: irony, sarcartic, day, witty etc.

pet peeves: peeves

Superstitions: What do they believe in?

Quirks: Some unique habits of them

Savy: What is something they know about?

Don't gets it: what subject they cannot understand?

Hidden hobby: a non-apparent hobby

Guilty pleasure : somethibng they like but wouldn't admit it



loathed color:


Favorite Animal: animal

loathed animal: animal

Favorite place: place

loathed place: place

Favorite landmark: landmark

loathed landmark: landmark

Favorite Flavors: flavor

loathed Flavors: flavor

Favorite food: food

loathed food: food

Favorite Drinks: Drink

loathed Drinks: Drink

Favorite character: character

loathed character: character

Favorite genre: genre

loathed genre: genre

Favorite book: book

loathed book: book

Favorite movie: movie

loathed movie: movie

Favorite game: game

loathed game: game

Favorite show: show

loathed show: show

Favorite music: music

loathed music: music

Favorite band: band

loathed band: band

Favorite song: song

loathed song: song

Favorite subject: subject

loathed subject: subject

Favorite number: 0

loathed number: 0

Favorite word: word

loathed word: word

favorite quote: " quote "

loathed quote: " quote "

religion: religion

morals: morals

Goals: goals

motivation: motivation

Priority: priority

philosophy: motivation

culture: culture

influences: influence

traditions: tradition

Partner: Name: relative

Marital Status: single married divorced etc.

how they met: if they have a partner

Love language: love language

Community: how are the pople around them?

Name: parent
Name: friend
Name: collegue

talk about their social life! How do they deal with other people? This box will scroll :) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

family: Name: relative | Name: relative | Name: relative

friends:close friend | Name: friend | Name: friend

hero: Name:

rival: Name:

Reputation: what others think of them?

First Impress.: what others think of them?

Stranger Impress.: what others think of them?

Self-Impression: what do they think about themselves?

Style: clothing or overwall aesthetic

mode of dress: how they wear they clothes?

Groom: how well they keep themselves?

posture: posture

gait: gait

scent: their natural scent

habits& manneirisms: habit

Wardrobe: describe their clothes

accessories: assec.

trinkets: trinket

Home: describe their house/ appartment/ place they live

funds: $000,00

transportation: car, bus, etc.

most expensive item: a thing

most important item: a necklace, a book etc.

Education: high school, college etc.

IQ: a funky number

stereotype: jock, punk, goth, nerd etc.

grades: 10

degree: linguistisc, mathemathic, computer science

logical.: average

lingu.: high

musical.: low

intra.: average

interp.: low

spatial.: average

kinectic.: high

nature.: low

crrnt job: job

desired job: job

Work Ethnic: how do they perform their work?

Rank: emplyee, boss etc.

income: job

Wealth status: middle, low etc.

experience: job

Main goal: what do they wabnt to acomplish most in life?

Ambitions: What they'd like t accomplish?

Career: What is their dream job?

Desires: what do they want?

Wishlist: What items do they want?

Acomplishment: What acomplishments they are proud of?

Greatest Achievement: content

Worst Failure: content

Secrets: content

Secrets: content

Regrets: content

Worries: content

Dream: what's the best thing that could happen to them?

Nightmare: what's the worst thing that could happen to them?

Best memory: what's the best thing that happend to them?

Worst memory: what's the worst thing that happened to them?

strenghts: positive tritsabout them

flaws: negative traits, deep flaws

percetion: how to they percieve the world?

conflicts: what conflicting things do de want?

Instincts: what are they driven to?

Lures: what attacts them?

soft spot: content

cruel streak: content

languages: english, spanish, portuguese

accent: northen, southner, etc.

voice: low, hight, soft, etc.

Voice claim

Greetings: greetings

farewells: farewells

state of mind: state

Compliment: compliment

insult: insilt

Expletive: Expletive

Laughter: motive

tag line: line

role: role

fuffilment: fflmnt

loathed significance: game