


3 years, 6 months ago



Lilith is an extremely powerful being in the universe, witchcraft and other magic of the universe have very few secrets for her.

She also holds the power of creation, from one of the six Hearts born of the Big Bang

Little Lore:

When GOD created the first Garden of Eden, he made two beings in his image, Adam and Lilith, both formed from the clay of the sacred earth.

Adam wanted to take over her equal, which was not to Lilith's taste, outraged by the unfair treatment by GOD towards her, so she decided to leave everything and leave the original Eden.

But she had no choice for her next destination except the emptiness of the cosmos or hell, the creator's trash can.

In the dimension of hell, time does not flow in the same way as the rest of the universe and the weather conditions are terrible, storms more terrible than on Jupiter and blizzards reaching absolute zero constantly confront each other, such conditions have put the creation of God to the test and terribly changed the original body of Lilith, after what is similar to centuries and millennia of survival without ever being able to perish, the infernal sky opens to let out the furious voice of GOD and Adam the First Man now cursed by the divine, was thrown into Hell.

Lilith caught up with him before he crashed to the ground, seeing him transform before her eyes, with horror and distress, she shouted in despair, that her equal was now also denied divine grace.

At this moment a blinding light was shown to Lilith, one of the six Hearts of the universe had found its way to the first Woman, the latter made a wish and the two entities linked to each other.

With new power, Lilith created a new body at the same time to create a shelter for her, Adam and all the next beings who would be rejected by divine grace.

The first demons appeared like this