


7 years, 23 days ago

Basic Info


Lilium Han Lis


Elf, mix between high elf and wood elf.






Married to the duchess Tannit. (later gets secretly married to another)


Was a council member of the high elves Court of law, later became the leader of a rebellion


Other names he's known by!

Bastard, whore son, the child of sin and shame, mistake, the blood stained lily and the one whos name death follows.

Appearance (overall general look)

  • Pale blonde hair with clear blue eyes.
  • A small white marking below his under lip and over his chin.
  • Have markings like the one on his face on each of his shoulder as well, traces from his high elven heritage.
  • Keeps his hair short.
  • Small freckles on his cheeks.
  • Have wide shoulders and a slim waist, his slim waist almost gives him an hourglass shape.
  • Wears dark colors, often black.

Appearance (the blood stained lily)

  • Hair like blood and clear blue eyes.
  • Dark markings covering his body and face.
  • Long tangled hair.
  • Some wrinkles under the eyes.
  • Freckles over the cheeks and nose.
  • Golden earrings.
  • Wears black armor and always have his swords at his hip.


  • Quiet.
  • Quick witted.
  • Reckless with his own safety.
  • Bit of a workaholic.
  • Very intimate in the way he behaves.
  • Cares for others a lot.
  • Brave and passionate.


Is the bastard son between the High elf Itius and the wood elf Reen, both of these dies when he's young. He is later taught and raised to be a high elf by Wylla, his foster mother and Itius wife, after stepping into the high elven society he's married to the duchess Tannit. They later in life have a son, but he's born weak and doesn't last longer than 6 years until he succumbed to his illness.By that time an old flame of Lilium has accidentally fostered a bastard, he asks Lilium and Tannit to take it since he himself cannot live with it on his conscience. Lilium and Tannit become parents to the child and loves him like he's their own.


Likes: Traveling, meeting other races,learning about different cultures, sparring, working, distraction, his friends and family.

Dislikes: His nightmares, his ex, remembering all the slaughter in the war, feeling sick from corruption, losing people he holds dear, being tied down in one place for too long.

Extra info

  • Uses two long twin swords as weapons, but is not afraid of using his fists, knees, elbows or even teeth.
  • The corruption in his body began as he tried finding a cure for his ill son.
  • His blonde hair turned red from the blood that sprayed on him on the battle field.
  • Was emotionally burned from his first love and have just avoided romance ever since.
  • Is a skilled warrior and is surprisingly strong even though he looks like you could break him in half if you hug him too hard.
  • Can't handle his liquor, is normally very intimate but it just spirals away to down right clingy after some strong beers.
  • Will start pacing around at home after a while and it goes to the point of Tannit packing a bag for him and begging him to travel so she'll have some peace.
  • Main magical powers are: fire, gravitation and perception.


Is the bastard child between the high elf Itius and the wood elf Reen, were supposed to live with his father and his wife since they themselves couldn't have children of their own. However this changed when the city was attacked and instead his mother raised him among the wood elves in the forest. His family scraped by with their work at the town's inn, so he didn't recive any education, not until he joined army's training school, he made friends there and even got romantic with a high born wood elf. For a long time it was calm but it didn't last forever, a dark corruption closed in and Lily, now a Knight at the age of 17, and his party was sent out to destroy it. But only two of their four person party returned home. 

Lily and his friend Sigun never returned, instead they sold their ability with a sword and bow to villages needing help, they traveled for many years. But everything has a end and their time as sell swords ended when they settled down with the woman who would have raised Lily if the attack hadn't happend, the wife of Lily's father. There they both recevied a proper education, and Lily was to learn the ways of a high elf, to take his late father's place in the court of law. In the court of law he became in charge of the army, he was hated though, he wasn't a pure blood high elf like the others and therefore he was looked down upon. But he didn't let it stop him, he fought on the battle field and won every battle for the high elven empire. His reputition soon reached a high born family of the high elves, and so he was married to the duchess Tannit. 

They soon had a son, but he was sick from birth and the healers didn't expect him to live that long, but Lily refused to give up on his son, so he studied the forbidden arts of magic, bending space and time, just to give him enough time to save his son's life. Soon the court of law ordered him back to the battle field, he pleaded to them to let him stay,since his son wouldn't survive without his magic that kept the boy alive. But the court of law only replied that a mixed creature less, the better. He was sent out to the front and soon the news of his son's death followed, filled with rage and grief he marched out to the battle field slaugthering friend and foe. The blood that covered him that day stuck and his hair turned red from that point on, by this time the corruption from the forbidden magic started to appear on his body. When he returned from the battle, he and his wife moved further away from the city, to live in peace. They wouldn't be alone for much longer though, Lily's old flame handed over his own bastard to them after reciving a beating from Lily for disrespectiong his own wife (Lily's old sister in arms). They named the boy Finn and he grew up to fight by his foster parents side. 

Lily was starting to get tired of the court of law and their shallow oppinions about the other races, he starts working in the darkness against them, his family and friends joining him, and soon they have a built up a whole society and an army against the high elves. For years he defended all races from the elves, from their greed and rage. During this time they pushed back the high elven empire, taking back the land he had once helped them take. He even found love in his old friend Sigun, but this was not to last, one day on the battle field he was stabbed in his gut, bleeding heavly he continued fighting, until Sigun noticed what was going on and sent him away from the field... He died on the back of his horse form blood loss and was burned so that the darkness wouldn't raise him as a vessel. His name became a curse to anyone who spoke it, the high elves made everyone forget he ever existed, but in secret his legacy lives on, elves and other races working together to destroy the high elves in secret.