Michiko Yilin-Crimson Phoenix



3 years, 4 months ago


Shipped with: Joshua Liver (first spouse, deceased), Sunil Yilin (current spouse)

Children: Samuel Liver (son), Tamaki Yılın (son), Mikasa (daughter)

Bio: Michiko Yilin is an older woman of Japanese descent. She is swift, stealthy, and sneaks in the shadows. She wields shurikens and katanas as her main choice of weapons. Michiko’s main enemies are a terrorist organization called “The Red Hounds”, an anti-Asian terrorist group. Michiko is stern and expects high disciple from her peers, but also tends to relax with tai chi, yoga, and hot tea. She was married to a man named Joshua Liver, who ran a butchery and bbq restaurant with his friends. Michiko came into his life offering her tofu, which was the worst tasting thing in existence, but everyone except Joshua detested it. From then on, they spent a lot of time together. Their relationship led to having a boy named Samuel "Tohru" Liver. Five years pass and Michiko and her family move into the inner cities, thinking they were invincible. At some point, Joshua was assassinated leaving Michiko alone with Samuel. Her poor skills as a parent led Samuel to resent her. He wouldn't tolerate her and eventually left home. Michiko was heartbroken, but not helping was the news media focusing on Michiko being responsible for Joshua's death. Everyone detested her and wouldn't give her any privacy. She eventually got out of the publicity by meeting a nice man named Sunil Yilin. They got married and had two children, Tamaki and Mikasa. Thinking her life was getting together, Michiko got herself a job working as a restaurant hostess. The work did not last long however, as she was attacked by the terrorist organization, "The Red Hounds". They attacked and destroyed her place of business. Having enough of the terror and destruction, Michiko took it upon herself to become a hero so she can protect her loved ones and eradicate the terrorists threatening her and her family.

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 45 (60 in a future date)

Height: 177 cm.

Likes: Tea, yoga, her granddaughter, Lily Liver

DislikesThe Red Hounds terrorists, gangsters, troublemakers, broken weapons 

Good point: Protective of her loved ones

Bad point: Party-crazed (formerly)