


7 years, 5 days ago


★ valerian ★

a truly ☆ terrible ☆ person

"i don't have time for you"


Name || valerian
Gender || male
Age || 20
Sign || scorpio
Orientation || asexual panromantic
Occupation || soldier, close combat division

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☆ About

valerian was born to two skywalkers, both members of the army, secretly attempting to make contact with the spirits and reach peace for their warring worlds. however, the spirits were far from trusting of their benevolent intent, and when negotiations fell through, they attacked, slaughtering both father and mother. valerian, who had previously shared his parents' empathy for the spirits, abandoned his peaceful nature. he was taken in by the defense forces of the city, and for several years no one could think what to do with him, other than leave him to his anger. he eventually collided with amoris, another child in the orphanage care program. the two of them (through a lot of fighting and eventual friendship) managed to take on the same path to reclaim the land that the spirits had taken, and they both grew to become skywalker soldiers, themselves. valerian took his family's deaths as evidence that the spirits lacked any last humanity in them, and that their wickedness was justification for his fury against them. newly impassioned, he trained hard and became very talented in battle, but with it he also became short-tempered, prejudiced, and arrogant. now he claims to kill for the good of humanity, but his hatred for the spirits is too big of a factor for it to be entirely true.

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☆ Personality

valerian enjoys picking fights and considers himself entirely justified in every one he starts. he often makes the difficult decisions for the team, simply because his reason outweighs his morals in many situations. he cares intensely for his friends, but doesn't mind what happens to the rest of the world. this contradicts his claims of wiping out spirits for the sake of humanity, but he generally avoids thinking about that subject unless it's planning to kill more spirits. he has attempted to fix himself in a front-facing worldview, only focusing on the future, but in reality, most of his actions are for the sake of the past.

valerian has been known to be a generally terrible person, yet, for some reason, people still attempt to engage in conversation with him. he blames them for their injuries when he lashes out at them. he also, strangely, has been known to care for the wounds he inflicts on his fellow soldiers. he carries medicine and various herbs, and no one has seen him use them for any purpose other than healing his allies after wounding them in a fight. he dislikes physical contact with others, as well as familiarity they often extend to him. he will generally start a physical fight with anyone other than amoris if they ever try to call him "val", for example.

★ coffee
★ amoris
★ scaring the other soldiers

☆ tea
☆ being ignored
☆ that one soldier that he refuses to discuss

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☆ Relationships


amoris [ best (/only?) friend ]
amoris is the sweetheart of the defense forces. he is the benevolent lieutenant that will listen to your life problems and sympathize. he and valerian met in the orphanage when they were young, and valerian despised him. amoris was confident and adored; he was at the top of his class and everything valerian wished to be. valerian, as always, dealt with his emotions by trying to beat them up. amoris won their fight, and valerian slowly began to develop respect for him. soon enough, the two of them were best friends and fighting side by side. amoris is the only person in the world that valerian worries for, furiously defends, and unconditionally adores.


nuni [ "fighting buddy" ]
nuni likes to try and fight valerian ??? she's absolutely crazy, and valerian has developed a strange affection for her. he calls her "sleeping beast" against her will, and she calls him "val" against his will.


Name [ relationship ]
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