


3 years, 6 months ago


A large and in charge beast gal with a loud mouth, she'll talk shit because she ain't afraid to get hit, in-fact, she's down to fight 24/7!
despite her rough and tumble nature, she's a surprisingly smooth talker, clever and cunning she often doesn't have a hard time gathering a pack of cronies to follow her orders.
she's got a short temper and can be easily goaded or provoked into conflict, although if left to her own devices, she'll usually prefer to just intimidate her way through situations or let others do the dirty work for her, having a pretty lazy temperament in general unless she feels like she's got something to prove, in which case she'll go above and beyond just to be able to Really rub her success and superiority into the face of whoever doubted her.

Favorite Foods:
Large Rare Meats, whether thats a Big Juicy Burg or just a Big Hunk of bloody meat right off the bone.
also a big fan of most greasy junkfoods, if its something trashy you can pick up through drivethrough or have delivered, she's probably a fan.