


3 years, 2 months ago


Riley - He/him - 6'4 - straight

Riley is a very simple minded guy who loves everything and anything relating to TV's. They are his special special interest and he has a hard time interesting himself with anything else. Though he does like some games, flashlights, and LPS.  He is extremely structured, so much so that a break in his structure causes him to decommission. He has a hard time trying new foods and adapting to new environments. Despite that, he is pretty easy to please and entertains himself by tinkering with random technologies (namely TV's) which he happens to be pretty good at. He works as a cable repair man and truly enjoys his job. He is quite the handy man! 

He has a y2k scene aesthetic when dressing himself, but he dresses that way because he genuinely thinks it is cool. He hardly knows what scene is. Riley has pretty strong emotions about things but struggles with emoting properly. He smiles awkwardly and often comes off as discomforted, which he isn't. He has a tendency to be very blunt and say what's on his mind, unbothered by the repercussions. Luckily, what's on his mind is usually light hearted, kind things. 

Riley has a very severe stutter, he goes to speech therapy regularly but usually relies on ASL to communicate when he can since talking can be exhausting.