Soda-pop Ishtar



6 years, 11 months ago




Anxious future wedding photographer

He kinda takes after his dad on some weird ways... He is absolute sweetheart, but god forbit if you actually manage to make him angry.


Sodas Duel monster deck uses a lot of traps, he took a lot of inspiration for his deck from Rishid.


181cm, 5'9
Tall and rather skinny, never had a good appetite and sudden growth spurt took a lot from him, still fighting to gain some weight
  • Glasses
  • Likes hats



  • good eye for photos
  • polite
  • shy
  • anxious
  • depression


  • Photography, he loves to take pictures and he usually carries camera around
  • Games, he likes the types you need to think, chess and puzzle games, also, Duel monsters
  • Fun fairs, he loves rollercoasters even tho he is pretty scared of them
  • Candels
  • Listening to music, he loves live music
  • Reading, history and art books are his favorite ones


  • Bars, he hates them
  • Listening to news, he used to do that a lot as a kid, and hearing about all the bad things going on in the world made him feel depressed and nervious
  • Pranks, he hates to get pranked, and his brother used to do that a lot to him as a kid
  • Riding motorbikes, or any bikes really, he feels nervious when he thinks about the things that could happen if he lost the balance
  • Night time, he is a bit scared of the dark

 "Oh, wow, I'm... Gonna try my best"

Soda is quite caucios and nervious boy, he has a bad habit of overthinking everything which makes him stressed, he used to have bad panic attacks as a kid too, but those toned down with time. Soda is a nice person despite being so cautious, he always wants everyone to be happy and safe, and is really careful with the words he uses, he doesn't want to insult or hurt anyone, but with that, he might seem like he doesn't want to talk anyone at all and often ends up appearing a bit rude or ignorant since it takes him so long to answer. 

He starts to be less paranoid and isolated person after highschool, and he is slowly getting over his shyness, learning that its okay to stumble over your words and it doesn't matter if you don't always sound smart made him be able to talk faster and actually take a part in conversations.  As quiet and careful person Soda really is, you don't want to make him angry, he is really a fiery person when he gets angry, and he is really protective over his friends and family, and he gets really stubborn when he is angry.









Strength 30%

Stamina 45%

Magic 0%

Resistance 0%

Accuracy 87%

Courage 37%

Strategy 90%

Luck 70%


His major and passion.


He learned from his dad and uncle Rishid




Soda used to watch too much news as a kid, and take scary stories he heard too seriously, he became really paranoid and felt like everyone was out there to get him or someone he knows, he was really suspicious of everyone and wanted to spend all of his time alone. During middle school he didn't really have any friends even tho there was some people who tried to befriend him, he would keep refusing them all, but after turning 14, he met a girl who was to become his first girlfriend, they were young but they were still dating. The girl called Stephie was really energetic and strong willed girl, and it was actually really tiring for Soda, he liked her but her overwhelming energy and will to go forward was too much for him, he wasn't ready to take those big steps in social life in the pace she was trying to push him to, and they ended up breaking up after turning 15.


Soda went to highschool that none of his previous classmated went to, and was now surrounded by new people, it was a same school with two familiar people to him anyway, the Otogi twins were his upperclassmen and he was glad to have them there. During his time in the highschool, his big brother Miraj got a job and moved out of the house to live own his own and building a love nest with his girlfriend, this triggered Soda to realize how lonely he really was, and he started to try and improve himself and actually get friends, he was happy to notice that the guys in his class were pretty cool and they turned out to be great friends, he even found out there was few girls who liked him and apparently people found his exotic looks and backgrounds interesting. Soda joined a photography club at his school and it became a passion for him, he became much more open and relaxed, he still sometimes got bad overthinking and insecurity issues, but his friends were making it better.


After highschool Soda attented college, and specialized on photography, in there, he ran into and old classmate from middle school, Miwa.





Love interest

Sodas middle school classmate that he got re-united in college, they were specializing on different subjects, but they met on the school grounds all the time. Soda was feeling a bit nervious and ashamed to talk to her since he had been so rude to her in middle school, turning down her offers to be friends and completely shooting her down, he always felt like he didn't really have the right to be friends with her now, but luckily, she still seemed to wanna be friends. In time, Soda started to crush on her, but he was too shy to really tell it to her, so he just tried to be cool and calm around her, he would make subtle flirts here and there but trying to keep them mild so he could play them off as a joke if she would seem uncomfortable. Pretty much everyone could tell that Soda was crushing on him tho, and Soda was pretty sure she could tell it too, but was a bit frustrated since he felt it would be easier for him if she would say something first, but in the end, he desided to man up and just confess it to her, seemed out it turned out well!




Mother. Soda loves his mom a lot, but he never really wanted to talk to her for too long time at once, since she had a habit of going overboard easily, she was so energetic and there was apparently nothing she would feel ashamed talking about.. He often wishes his mom would act a bit more.. Normal.. Specially around his friends.




Soda was always more of a daddys boy, he was the one Soda would go hide behind as a kid when he felt threathend or would count on him when he would have a panic attack. His dad is his hero and the one he could always turn to when in doubt.




Big brother. His bro was always his best friend, Soda who didn't really let anyone in his life, was always spending his time with Miraj, he was the one he would play with, or just chill around his room when he was playing his guitar, Soda was really upset when he got a girlfriend and couldn't spend so much time with him, but he understood it and wouldn't say anything, he was still happy for him.




His aunt is the woman he felt comfortable talking with, since she was way more calm than his mom, also, she had lots of knowledge of things, so Soda always asked advice from her, he was always happy to go to Egypt to stay with her for a vacation.




Even tho Soda always found him really intimidating and used to be scared of him as a kid, he really started to like him when he started to play Duel monsters with him, his style took intelligence and it got Soda really interested, and after starting to learn playing with him, Soda stopped being scared of him since he turned out to be such a nice guy. Rishid always loved to play with Soda, he was really happy that Maliks son took a liking to him even after he used to start crying when they met before, and would always be ready to take care of him when needed.




She is pretty much someone he has known from childhood since their parents are best friends, but Soda never really got that close with her, they never hanged out or anything. He was really happy when she and Miraj got together tho, because it felt him feel at ease to know there wouldn't be any new people for him to get used to, and there was no change he would had gotten a girl Soda wouldn't get along with.




Soda likes Kaito he was always Mirajs best friend and he saw him a lot, Soda would often come to sit around the house with them when Kaito would be over to hang out with Miraj, he never seemed to be bothered that Mirajs little brother spent time with them as well, he knew Soda never really went out, so he felt a little bad for him and was always chatting with him when he would come to see what they were up to.