Nobu Nauha



7 years, 23 days ago

Basic Info


Nobu Nauha








Workshop register worker, customer service, and he takes care of the bills.


Will get you coffee before you have the chance to ask.


Height: 184cm, 6'0

Weight: 73kg

Built: lanky boi

Hair: brown

Eyes: Amber

Skin: tan

Piercings/tattoos: none

Clothing: very calm and down to earth designs and colors, hippyish


Nobu is a sweetheart and he is often described as stay at home dad by his friends, he is really responcible and always looking out for everyone else, because of his responcible personality he was chosen to be the one to take care of paperworks.

 Nobu is really bad at arguing and usually ends up panicing and lost of words, and usually shutting up and giving up, if the matter they were arguing of was important, he usually tries to give it some time and then try again another time and always tries to found a common ground. He is calm and warm person, he easily gets worried of others and tries to make sure they are okay, he always puts others before himself.





- He is an early bird and always the first one up.

- He sleeps really calmly, even tho snoring, he loves to roll in his blankets and be as warm as possible.

- He drinks too much coffee.

- He bites his nails when nervious.

- He panics in arguments and gets easily confused.


+ Nobu likes playing Duel monsters, he is not all that good, but plays for fun.

+ Animals, he loves all animals a lot and is really good at dealing with them.

+ House works, he actually really likes cleaning and cooking.

+ Reading, he likes romantic novels and many other literature, he finds horoscope books really interesting, the older book the better.

+ Collecting cupons to get groceries cheaper.

+ Handmade carpets and other objects.

- Heavy metal music or techno.

- nightclubs.

- Action movies, he is not fan of explosions and seeing people do stupid dangerous things.

- Chocolate, there is just something about it.






He was always a really good kid, he met Pixie as a kid since his parents and hers were good friends, they became really good friends as well, later they also became friends with Ossian who became a solid part of their group.

When Pixie had her accident, Nobu was the first one to suggest they would go find her when she didn't come back, he was there when they found her and helped to take her to hospital, Nobu spended most of the time in the hospital with her out of being so worried, and barely slept or ate during that time. After her physical recovery, he was really worried of her well being, Pixies parents suggested them moving to city for the change of scenery, Nobu and Ossian both agreed to go with her and Nobu was the one to pretty much take care of the place.

When Kotori and Yusei walked in to their workshop one day, he was really surprised and happy to see how Pixie was starting to get better..





  Mother: He is moms little helper.

  Father: He also helps his dad with whatever he needs, and they like to joke around together.

  Older sister: They always had a lots of fun at home, but they both pretty much have their own groups of friends so they don't spend too much time together.


  Ossianthe other one of Nobus best friends, he was always a little worried tho, since Ossian had a bad habit of getting them in trouple, Nobu was usually the one to talk teachers and parents around to let them off easy, Nobu knows Ossian never means any bad. After Pixies accident, they spent even more time together, usually talked about how worried they were of Pixie. They are really chill with each other and fine with hugs.

  PixieNobus first best friend, they got along from the start and loved playing games together and duel, after her accident, Nobu was probably the most upset about it and worried. He is always looking out for her and making sure she is feeling okay.

  KotoriNobu thinks she is quite interesting girl, he was really amazed and happy to see how after meeting them Pixie started to get better, he is really thankfull for her and thinks of her as a good friend.

  Yusei: Other friend Nobu is really thankful for for helping Pixie, he thinks Yusei is really cool guy and he likes to chat with him.

  Jack: Nobu did not really like him at first seeing his attitude and teasing Pixie, and he would often feel like telling him to leave but he never did, after Pixie actually got together with him, Nobu was really susprised, despite being happy to see Pixie happy, he is still keeping an eye on Jack.

   Crow: Nobu finds him funny, they don't have much to talk together, but they get along.

  Akiza: Nobu isn't very close to her but they are friends.




- He has a few horses back at home on the countryside, and many many chickens.

- He is usually the one to carry Pixie to her bed whenever she passes out in the carage.

- Nobu is usually the one to take Pixies dog Hero out on the morning walk.

- He does the groceries in the house as well.